Part 16

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Im still not feeling my best....... Tomorrow gonna be a full on mental health day for me im gonna focus on myself and do the things that make me happy. I might update a few books or start a new story. Since I have a lot of ideas for stories at the moment. 

Wendesday is gonna stressful for me because where I live we are supposed to get some thunderstorms that may contain strong gusty winds. And that type of weather really freak me out and as you probably know I'm gonna move to Alaska when I'm older and ready to move away and get away from all the severe weather that happens in the Midwest during the spring and summer months. I want to live somewhere where I don't worry about bad weather. I could care less about snow storms or blizzards they don't scare me. 

When I move to Alaska I'm thinking of getting a nice rustic cabin in the woods but somewhat near stores and other things. Me and my new friend on here jewels and i will move to Alaska together and not worry about twisters or horrible thunderstorms and be able to enjoy the summer and spring months in peace. 🤍😘

I can't wait to get to Alaska I've always wanted to live there since my childhood I don't why but I love love nature and wildlife and Alaska has plenty of that so I can't wait to be with my friend in a cabin in the woods eating pie and watching movies and talking about our favorite fandoms

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