Part 21

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I don't know if my friend in real life is gonna be on here since he hasn't created a wattpad account yet and I really want him to do so I at least have someone to talk to when everyone else that I know on here is busy with stuff or just doesn't feel like talking. I can't wait for him to read my stories that I wrote I hope he likes them and also my art that I post on here we have been friends since middle school we met in 6th grade at lunch and been friends ever since he's 19 and I'm 18 we both graduated high school we went to the same high school together and he always makes me smile or laugh when I'm feeling down or struggling with my mental health and he knows that I have anxiety and that I have a hard time talking to others so he doesn't make me uncomfortable at all. He's autistic so he has a hard time understanding certain things so I try my best to help him with that when he's confused and doesn't know a word or how to spell it. 

He loves legos he always posts instagram pics of the set he's built and I always like them and say it looks cool or he did a great job on them. 

So I'm hoping and praying that he comes on wattpad and creates an account on here and maybe write his own stories about his favorite fandoms. 

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