Part 35

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I'm so pissed off just when I thought we were done with severe weather and I look on my godamn weather app and it says chance of bad weather at night and I'm like UGH! I'm done I'm so done......... I just wanna go to Alaska and stay there! I'm done with this crap done...... I just want a break...... a week worth break or whatever but nooooooo. 

I have horrible storm anxiety and my anxiety goes up when I see that kinda off stuff after having it for 4 days straight!!!! Like give Michigan a fucking break!!!!!! We have had enough!!!!! 

Go to the south for gods sake where those types of storms belong!!!!!!! 

I can't wait to move to Alaska or at least go get a vacation home up there and go there during the spring and summer months to get away from the weather in the Midwest..... 

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