Part 4

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During the months of when my grandmothers foot was broken I was using anything and everything as a distraction I was watching lord of the rings and the hobbit, playing roblox games, paying attention in my classes at school, and reading a bunch of lotr and hobbit fanfic on wattpad. 

All of that pretty much helped me through it all and kept me mentally stable long enough until her foot finally healed. 

A month after that my mom told me that my aunts dad passed away and I was worried yet again and soon after that there was a tornado watch where I live and I was scared half to the death and I came home from school early that day just in case if it switched into a warning which thankfully it didn't... then sometime in august 7 tornadoes touched down where I live and destroyed homes and 2 people were killed luckily nothing hit my home and after that that I had some serious PTSD from that event it took me awhile to mentally recover from it. 

After that I decided that I hate spring and summer and have more of a love for winter and fall season. 

I'm getting tired of severe weather so one of these days when I'm older I'm moving from where I currently live to Alaska where there are no severe weather conditions just the occasional snow storm and wild life which I'd take over a twister any day. I hope that will help my overall mental health when it comes to the weather. 

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