Part 37

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It's gonna rain again today there's a chance of bad weather and I'm so anxious right now it's not even funny I so want to go to Alaska and get away from weather like this........ and just have normal days without any thunder, lighting, etc. 

I mentioned Alaska to my mom yesterday when we were texting each other while she went to the foot doctor to get her boot off since her foot that she broke is healing. 

And I'm hoping she considers it because it would give her a break from me eyeballing the weather app every ten seconds..... and she would be happy to see me mentally okay and not scared about the weather I did say that to her in the text so I'm REALLY REALLY hoping she says yes to Alaska and I'll be soooo happy. 

It's for my overall mental health when it comes to the weather since I have bad storm anxiety and i want it to go away for a while so going to alaska will be the perfect thing for me to get my mind off of bad weather that involves rain, thunder, hail, wind, etc... 

I don't mind snow snow doesn't scare me I love it it's better than what I mentioned earlier it's prettier and it doesn't destroy anything just covers things.

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