Part 31

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Well I had an appointment with my college person for the college I'm going to next year and I was worried about the weather and I kept checking the weather every now and then and my mom shot me a look and I stupidly said "what?" And the woman said "do you need a break" and I looked up from my phone and said "no" and after we left my mom yelled at me for being on my phone and saying how it's rude and disrespectful

 Well it really triggers my thoughts of certain things and I cried a lot

I try to tell my mom that but she snaps back and says "how are you gonna react when a police officer approaches you and talks to you?" Like..... I'm not driving number one number two I have anxiety

  I'm freaking scared for college I wish I could have said "I wanna wait a little bit until I'm mentally ready for college" but I didn't

It's too late now I've already signed up to be a student there

I have to start on August 26th 


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