Part 38

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Just wanted to tell you guys when city what I want to move to in Alaska since I'm committed to moving there for my overall mental health when it comes to the weather during the spring and summer months. 

City: Utqiagvik 

State: Alaska 

Always cold there like in the 30s and 40s 

I'm really hoping that I get to go there soon like in a year or so maybe next spring or summer..... if I meet someone who is from there or as a vacation with my parents. 

Leaving my family behind will be hard and yes I've thought of that which is why I thought of just having a vacation home up there for us to go to during the spring and summer months to get away from the weather and enjoy Alaska. Plus if it will help my mental health I bet my mom would be all for it since she wants to see me happy and not meh.

Today was hard for me mentally this morning was bad we got some storms and that was not fun I slept through most of it since I didn't really sleep that well last night I kept waking up at like 1 am thinking it was 5 am...... so yeah.... I plugged in my earbuds my dad was watching a marvel movie with me and I've seen that movie before so I know what happens anyway I fell asleep to some soft music on my Spotify playlist and that helped a lot. And I woke up to the rain being almost done and i ate lunch and soon as the marginal risk for bad weather completely went away I was just like everything is fine you survived..... nothing happened just a little rain and thunder nothing bad.... And after that I felt better and played some video games on my I pad and felt hundred percent better. 

Tomorrow is just normal rain which does not scare me at all and I can't wait to be in Alaska soon I've always wanted to see what it's like up there since I grew up watching Alaska the last frontier it was a tv show and I really liked it as a kid so I've always wanted to be there and see what the state looks like. :) 

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