Part 30

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I'm sitting downstairs again and playing games on my phone and my dads phone rings and he answers it and it's a person he works with and said "I'm getting ready to drive to bad axe Michigan and drive in my truck and shoot the person who's driving me nuts" and I get anxious and I'm like you can't joke about MURDERING someone! That's just ugh! Does that dumbass not realize that he has a kid severe anxiety and depression!!! And who worries constantly about random shit. 

So I'm gonna watch being human and try to take my mind off of what my dad said and if someone heard him they would have called the fucking cops! Like no can't say that stuff. I don't care if that person drive you nuts you don't joke about murdering someone like wtf?!. 

I can't wait to move to Alaska to get away from the swearing and stress that is my dad. 

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