Part 41

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I feel like I'm gonna have a mental breakdown right now my mom has been working everyday this week and I'm kinda getting tired of being alone all day with no one to talk to except my dog and the godamn walls....... I feel like I'm going crazy I just want my mom home with me so she doesn't have to keep walking on her broken foot all damn day until 5:00 at night......... I just want her home with me so we can watch our favorite tv show together, drink hot tea or apple cider and snuggle up on the couch and enjoy the morning........ if I do end up having a breakdown and crying I don't think it will be a bad thing since I'm letting my emotions out instead of keeping them inside and that's not healthy to do.... It's best to just let them out when you need to and when you want to... that's the most important thing to me in my opinion..... don't be afraid to cry in public if needed to don't be afraid to feel angry don't be afraid of showing emotion to others especially those who deal with the same thing as you do. 

Plus I'm like really tired and been waking up super early lately and it's been hard to sleep in I feel like I need to figure out on how to sleep in during the summer since I don't have to wake up early and feel like crud all day.... 

I'm gonna update my books tomorrow morning since that's when my brain does the best thinking at that time of day. 

My dog has been by my side a lot which I'm very happy about since he's such a good dog and loves me. 

And I'm very thankful for him everyday 🤍🩷

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