Part 27

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Today was better than yesterday which I'm glad about but I'm still feeling kinda meh.... My aunt is at her mom's house helping her pack since she's going into an assisted living center because her husband my aunts dad passed away in April of last year. 

And I love my aunt but one time it was around the holidays I think and her mom has some memory issues and she kept asking the same question over and over again and my aunt started yelling at her mother and that made me really anxious since I've never seen my aunt upset like that before so it was pretty scary to deal with I wanted to say something but I didn't I kept my mouth shut what I wanted to say was "you are making me anxious can you please calm down" but I didn't say that unfortunately. My mom did better with my aunts mom since my mom used to be a nurse at an assisted living center and she knows how to deal with older people with memory issues. So i started to calm down after that. I kinda gave my aunt a look saying "hey you made me anxious and scared" I think she saw it and realized it and calmed down. My uncle definitely noticed it since I was looking between him, my mom, my dad, my grandma, my grandpa to get some comfort from the whole situation..... 

And the most heartbreaking thing is when I talk about my boys my aunt could seriously care less she just listens then says hmmm and I just sigh because she doesn't know what I went through junior year of high school what my mental health was like my uncle my aunts husband and moms brother did because my mom told him. 

And when we were on vacation my uncle tried to make me smile by having chose a board game to play or ask me questions about lord of the rings or the hobbit or something and I was happy about that. He knew I was struggling at the time and kinda getting over an ED so he helped me through it and I can't thank him enough for that. 

Sorry if this doesn't make any sense or line up I just needed to vent a little bit. 

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