Part 34

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So I didn't mention this yesterday but it was dinner last night and my dad said that his mom is thinking about moving back to Michigan and I'm like NO NO NO! That women as I mentioned before she selfish and I don't Want her here she belongs in Florida where she's been for years now and I get it she wants to be close in case something happens but.... There are people that don't like you and want nothing to do with you.... At all... I'm not anxious about it at all I'm just shocked since she complains a lot saying oh Florida is too hot oh Michigan is too cold I don't like the cold weather I don't like the hot weather like make up your mind!!! 

If she ever says anything dumb again to me I will not talk to her ever again I'm hoping she doesn't since I try not to eat alot whenever she's around since she called me fat once when I was little and she did the same to my other cousin who's my dads brothers daughter. 

I have a closer bond with my moms mom since she worries more about me than my dads mom. My moms mom knows I struggle with mental health and asks if I'm okay whenever I see her so that's better than being around someone who doesn't know your struggles or how what they said affected you later on in life. 

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