Part 44

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today was way better than yesterday since I got to do a lot of my own stuff today and just relax and not worry about anything.... As the day  progressed I felt blah and tired and didn't want to be bothered by anything or anyone last night was rough for me since me and my family are camping right now and my dad snores really loud so me and my mom share a bed with each other for a few nights until we head back home. And last night it was like 9:50 pm and I was really tired and my mom was taking forever to get ready for bed like she has to do all of

These things and I was getting angry so I started groaning and my mom

Came out of the bathroom at like 10:20Pm and said "you need to grow up you're no worse than youre boys you help out" and I just said "okay" and kept my emotions in since if I cried she would have yelled at me more and said "oh stop crying! And stop acting like a 2 year old you're 18 years old" and I wanted to yell "so I'm not allowed to cry?! I'm not allowed to let my feelings out?! What the fuck?! That's just messed up" I wish I would have said that and made the table that we eat on which turns into a bed and made it into a bed and slept on that all night but I didn't since I didn't want my mom saying "what are you doing leave the table alone and come back to bed now!" I didn't want that because I have enough bad memories from her yelling at me about things in the past. And at lunch today I went to go get ketchup from the fridge since I was eating leftover fries and I opened the top and it came in out fast since it was upside down in the fridge and my mom yelled at me and said "that's too much ketchup!" And I sighed and put the bottle back in the fridge and ate my food then went back into our bedroom and played a game on my I pad to get my mind off what had happened.

And it's after dinner now and my mom said to me earlier "when we are done eating we will play a few rounds of just one" which is my favorite game it's where you guess a word and if you get it right you get a point and I said "okay"

And I went outside and my mom was sitting far from the picnic table and at my aunt and uncles camper talking with them and I sighed and went back inside and now I'm in my room trying not to cry...... 

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