Part 23

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Today was not a good day for me I had a meeting with a consular at my college im going to next year starting in the fall and she asked how I am with overall school work and my mom immediately started pointing out all the negatives of how I don't get this one until the last minute of how I struggle with this or that and how I can't do this. And I just sat there feeling like dying because of all the things my mom said. I wanted to get up and leave but I couldn't because I had to stick around and pick out my classes and I'm pissed that I'm going back on the 20th after a dentist appointment and I just felt like crap after that I was angry at my mom but I didn't say anything to her I kept it all in me. 

Now my parents are at a fucking concert and won't be back until 11:00 pm at night and I'm very upset, I'm tired, I'm anxious, etc 

I hated the fact that my mom decided to point out all the negatives instead of positives because in high school all of jt teachers said positive things about me and this time my own mother is talking shit about me like what the HELL?! 

I wanted to cry sooo bad I felt like I was gonna pass out due to anxiety or puke 

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