Part 18

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Yesterdays weather was really bad and it stopped raining about like 4:30 yesterday and today I was home alone since my mom was at the hair dresser and I saw on my google feed that a twister touched down in liviona which is not far from where I live and I immediately started panicking since my moms best friend who's like an aunt to me lives there...... I'm seriously thinking of moving to Alaska since they don't get much severe weather up there like ever only cold weather and dark days in the winter and longer days in the summer. And I'd take that over a severe weather any day since I love the snow and I love winter it's my favorite season. And I hope to live with a friend so I'm not alone and we can just stay inside in the winter watch movies, tv shows eat pies and just relax and be safe from any bad weather. 

So I've been looking at vacation homes in Alaska like cabins in the woods and they are beautiful I would love to up there one day and see what it's like up there since I've never been and I love wildlife so I can't wait too see all the moose, bears, wolves, etc. 

And just be at peace with myself and my overall mental health also. 

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