Chapter 60: Hiro, the Wind Slasher

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A gunshot echoed all over the mountains and the nearby valleys. Of all of them, Hiro was the first to hear the gunshot, his senses pushed him to move through his instincts and look for the raging bullet.

In a split second he bounced in the midair and swung his katana out of its sheath.

"Atmospheric Silver Line!"

Hiro deflected the bullet with his sharp katana, letting out a bright, reddish spark after contact.

"Tsk! I hate annoying people, especially those who meddles with my business!" Emily exclaimed.

"Bulls, she's a great threat to you! Let me deal with her." Hiro exclaimed.

"Go! But be careful!" Bulls exclaimed while Guardian fly away from Hiro.

"Now, I'll deal with you!" Hiro dashed down the snowy mountain grounds and dashed towards Emily.

Emily immediately changed her weapon from long sniper to dual magnum revolvers. She aimed at Hiro and pulled the triggers, showering Hiro with metal-piercing bullets.

"Now, let's see if you can still deflect these bullets!" She exclaimed.

"I definitely can." Hiro bent his legs and dashed with an explosive speed. "And I will slash through your neck."

Hiro dashed left amd right, dodging every bullet Emily shoot at him.

"I am a skilled sniper! Nothing can escape from my bullets!"

"I can." Hiro exclaimed. He placed back his katana on its sheath and lowered his stance.

"Aerojutsu: Low Altitude Outburst!" He slashed up but Emily hopped back and rolled away from him.

"Tsk!" She began dashing away from Hiro, trying to reload his revolvers.

"This kid, he doesn't know how to fight a long range fighting opponent. I can easily finish his with my next shots."

Hiro pointed up his katana and dashed faster towards Emily, "Aerojutsu: Thunderstorm Wind Shear!" He let out a barrage of slashes, as fast as a sudden wind shears.

Emily tried to dodge him but he was very fast. Her gun was slashed into two, which caused her to let out an outrageous cry.

"Damn you! What did you do to my precious gun!" She aimed at Hiro's head and shoot him with all her bullets left.

Hiro spinned in the air, blocking his head with his katana, deflecting the bullet away. He landed back down and gound out that his katana was chipped and opened a vulnerable spot. It won't last long if it will take another bullet.

"I'm not done yet!" Emily exclaimed. She pulled out her sniper rifle and aimed at Hiro. "This time, you will die!"


Hiro was stunned, seeing his sword got chipped made him feel like he did something wrong.

He fell on his knees, completely dodging Emily's bullet.

"If I cannot protect his katana, I cannot protect anyone." Hiro whispered.

"This time, I won't miss!" She exclaimed.


"Aerojutsu is not just about the swordsmanship or the katana you are using, it's also about the swordsman."

A voice spoke from Hiro's mind.

He pushed himself up and dashed away from the bullet. He put his katana back to its sheath and pulled out a pair of kunai.

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