Chapter 61: The Great Protector, Guardian

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A powerful explosion blasted from the two raging bombs, almost destroying the whole canyon into smithereens. The snow around the explosion sight almost melted in an instant, leaving the bluish-gray mountain rock exposed out into the moonlit sky.

Guardian was pushed by the extreme winds and shockwaves, causing him to lose his control. They were sent crashing down the nearby plateau. Luckily, Guardian regained the control on time and caught Thor and James before the smashed into the icy plateau. Thor immediately regained his consciousness and sat on the snowy ground.

"What happened? Where is Bulls? Where is Rocky?" He asked. "Guardian, answer me!"

"I don't have any obligations to you. I just followed my master's order, amd that is saving the both of you." He said.

Guardian began to fly back up.

"Protect James, I need to go back and save my master."

Guardian zoomed into the air, flying back into the ruined canyon.

"Bulls." Thor mumbled. "I have faith in you. Defeat does not come so readily to you." He stood up and stared at the mushroom cloud.

"I also had a task to fulfill; Bulls requires my assistance," he declared. "I believe the moment has arrived to put into practice the technique I have honed for a century."

Thor looked around and found James a few feet away from him.

"Nevertheless, there is still one task left for me to complete..." he approached James and let out a deep sigh. "That task being to rouse this individual from his slumber."

"You... don't... have to... do that." James suddenly moved and sat back up. "We will fight... and this time... we will win."

"No, you have to remain here, you are in a precarious state. Without your restorative necklace, it is best for you to remain here," Thor stated.

"No... I don't... want to be... a burden." James said as he began to stand back up.

"If you prefer not to be a hindrance, it is recommended that you stay here. Engaging in battle while injured will inevitably impede your movements, and you will simply-"

"Don't say it... I am the strongest... among... us!" James exclaimed, pointing his finger at Thor. "All you need to do is believe me."

"But... it is this God's responsibility to look after you." Thor said.

James raised his hand and closed his eyes, "Please..."

"What are you doing?" Thor asked.

"Proving you that I can still fight." James said.

Then a zooming object landed on James hand, letting out a bright flash after contact. James' aura exploded after regaining his most powerful weapon, Neptune's Golden Trident.

"Now tell me that I'm a burden." James said.

"Alright, let us proceed," Thor said. "Bulls and Guardian is waiting for us."

"Wait..." a voice spoke from behind them. "Let me... join you."

"Hiro?!" James and Thor exclaimed in surprise.

"What happened to you?" James asked.

Hiro arrived at the plateau, accompanied by his friends. He was still bleeding, wounded more than ever before. Though James can see in his eyes the determination and fear.

"Yetis?" Thor asked.

"Let's talk... about that... later.... But now, let's focus... on defeating that guy." Hiro said.

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