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AFTER A FRUSTRATING DAY AT work, Chloe went round to the Whitlock household. Which was only a few houses down from the Dunphy's, so she could drink as much as she wanted without worrying about finding her way back home or to Mitch and Cam's for dinner later that evening. 

"Can you believe it? I mean, who does he think he is?" Chloe complained, she took a sip of the white wine she poured herself as soon as she entered the home. She hated the taste of it but it seemed to be the only alcohol they had in their home. 

June was leaning back on the couch next to her. Her hand rubbing her swollen belly, "I mean, he is your boss."

Chloe rolled her eyes, "Boss, schmoss. He was still a dick about it. I was only like three hours late, that's barely anything."

"Chloe and I met when she was about seven and I was nine and we were doing ballet together. We've been best friends ever since," June explained. She sat alone on her couch looking at the camera, "I actually got my younger brother, Daniel, to start ballet. He hated it until he met Chloe. Don't tell him I told you, but he had a massive crush on her and literally learned ballet just to spend more time around her. I don't think she ever found out."

Before June could respond. The front door opened and two male voices entered the home as well as the screaming of June's first born, Nicole. The three year old was already screaming her head off about being told 'no' to having dessert before dinner and Chloe felt like plugging her ears with literally anything she could find to not have to listen to the kid.

"Oh, my God, you're here!" June exclaimed, an excited smile on her face as she stood up. 

Chloe watched in confusion over her wine glass as the blonde wobbled over to the unknown man that walked in behind Zac, who placed a kiss on his wife's cheek, greeted Chloe before carrying a crying Nicole into the bathroom to clean her up. The unknown man grinned at June as they embraced. Chloe's eyes looked him up and down as a smirk appeared on her face. He was most certainly attractive. She couldn't deny it. 

She placed the wine glass onto the coffee table and stood up. Pulling her tight, black bodycon down slightly before she took a few steps forward, "You gonna introduce me to the hunk, June?" She questioned, batting her eyelashes at them man.

His eyes widened when he spotted her. A reaction she was certainly used to receiving. But the look in his eyes was different to the ones that strange men - and sometimes women - sent her. He looked as if he recognised her and was surprised to see her.

"Chloe!" June hissed, "This is Daniel, remember? My younger brother?"

Chloe's mouth widened. She did remember Daniel. He was almost a year older than her and she remembered Mitchell having a crush on him. And looking at him now, Chloe could understand why. He looked older than she remembered. Much more mature. He even had stubble covering the lower part of his face. His hair was styled in a much better way than she remembered him having when they were younger. She could see a tattoo peeking out from under his shirt near his bicep, but couldn't make out exactly what it was. He had even gotten slightly taller. Now only a few inches taller than Chloe in her high heels.

"Well, well, well," Chloe smirked, tilting her head as she shamelessly looked him up and down, watching as a tint of pink invaded his cheeks, "Welcome back," She held her hand out.

He took hers in his and shook it gently, "Thank you," He chuckled nervously, "I better get cleaned up, the flight was tiring" He gestured to himself.

June nodded and pointed him off to the empty bathroom upstairs. 

"It was good seeing you again, Chloe," He nodded at the black haired woman before walking out of the living room, dragging a couple of suitcases behind him.

"Oh, it certainly was," She mumbled, "Damn, why didn't you tell me he's hot now?" She asked looking at June, causing the blonde to slap her arm, "What?!"

"He's my brother, that's gross." June said pointedly.

Chloe shrugged, "True though. How long is he back for?"

"Indefinitely," June told her, "He's taking over the vet clinic for our dad. Didn't I tell you this already?"

Chloe thought for a moment before shrugging, "I guess you did. I do remember something about a vet clinic and Florida?"

June nodded as she made her way back over to the couch, "Yeah. Mom and dad decided to retire in Florida."

"Yikes," Chloe muttered, she glanced over at the clock on the wall and groaned, "Well. Guess I better go. Claire will have my head if I'm late," She grabbed and downed the rest of the white wine before pressing a quick kiss on June's cheek, "Bye-bye. Thanks for the wine and the hunk show."

"Stop! You're gonna make me throw up!"

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