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CHLOE SAT NEXT IN BETWEEN Cam and Alex on a sport bench. Watching Manny's fencing tournament. Mitch was standing behind her, holding Lily to his chest. Cam was taping it all. Alex sat watching silently. Haley was on her phone. Luke and Phil were snacking on some popcorn. Claire was sitting watching quietly whilst Jay and Gloria cheered the loudest.

 As much as she loved the kid, she couldn't deny the boredom she felt. Fencing was certainly one of the most boring sports she'd been forced to watch. She would clap along with the crowd whenever Manny would win the round, but only because everyone else was clapping. She had literally no idea what was even happening, in her mind she was back at home, enjoying some nice wine and watching some trashy show on TV.

"Did you know that fencing went back to the twelfth century?" Alex suddenly said.

"Do you know what's even nerdier?" Haley asked, not taking her eyes off her phone, "Knowing when it began."

"I don't think you're a nerd," Luke said to his sister, looking over some family members at her.

"Shut up, dork," Alex responded.

"All right, that's my boy!" Jay yelled loudly, throwing both fists up in the air.

Chloe looked over her shoulder at Mitchell. Watching as his face fell at the comment. She leaned her head back to use it to tap his arm, smiling softly at him. She knew exactly how he felt. Before she looked back at the front, sighing with boredom. 

"No. No. No, no! My phone died!" Haley groaned.

"No biggie. Your battery probably just statically defracticated," Alex shrugged, grabbing the phone out of Haley's hand and taking the back off. Chloe and Haley both watched her taking out the battery.

"What?" Haley questioned.

"It means you can recharge it with static electricity," Alex told her, "Just rub it on your hair," She passed her the battery.

Chloe bit her lip as she watched her oldest niece take it and start rubbing it up on her head. She titled back slightly and held her hand out towards Alex behind Haley's back. Alex gave her a quick high-five as she grinned to herself before going back to watching the fencing.

Chloe clapped like everyone else.

"Yes!" Jay cheered, he looked at Phil, "You know, I used to go to the houses of my friends, I'd see their kid's trophies, and it used to bug me, you know, because there was never a trophy at my house! Not until this one!"

Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Actually, there was a trophy at the Pritchett house," Chloe said, holding her head high and shoulders back, "Actually, multiple trophies. I won multiple ballet competitions when I was younger. But of course, dad didn't see it as a 'real' sport," She said using quotation marks when saying the word 'real', "So, instead of being proudly on display in the family room. They were all up in my room. 

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