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"OH, MY GOD, WHAT IS happening?" Chloe asked. Looking at her husband with wide eyes before they both looked back at Cam and Mitch; who were putting on some matching robes from their boot. 

They had just arrived at Jay and Gloria's after Chloe's and Daniel's wedding ceremony. Ready for the celebrations to begin properly inside, when Mitch and Cam ordered them to wait. Chloe's hand was tightly grasped in Daniel's as they watched Mitch and Cam running up to the front door, throwing it open dramatically after Cam turned on some music from his phone.

"We are so happy to introduce..." Cam began, his voice loud.

"For the first time ever..." Mitch continued.

"Mr and Mrs Pierce!" Cam and Mitchell cheered at the same exact time, moving past to let Daniel and Chloe finally enter the house as their families inside cheered loudly.

The couple laughed at the theatrics, but Chloe couldn't deny how sweet and heartwarming it felt to see how much effort everyone went through. The house was decorated with banners, balloons and photographs of Chloe and Dan dating back from when they were just kids. Not only was Chloe's family gathered around, but Dan's family had also been invited and all of his immediately family came, his sister, his nieces, his brother-in-law and both of his parents. 

It was truly surreal.

They crashed into the families. Everyone hugging and kissing their cheeks with loud congratulations. When Chloe and June finally hugged after so long physically apart, Chloe had even spun the shorter woman around.

"We're officially sisters!" June yelled when Chloe put her back down, "Like legally!"

Chloe nodded, a large grin on her face, "Can you believe it?"

Jay came over. A large smile on his face and a whiskey in one hand. He placed his free hand on his youngest daughter's shoulder, she could even see tears forming in his eyes.

"Congratulations, sweetheart," He told her, pulling her into a hug and pressing a kiss to the top of her hair, "I'm so happy for you. You picked a good one."

Chloe grinned as they both looked over her shoulder at Daniel, who was being bombarded with hugs from Phil and the Dunphy kids, "I really did, didn't I?" She said dreamily. Not fully being able to believe that she was not only a married woman. But she was married to Daniel Pierce. Her best friend's brother who she had known since she was a kid. 

As the party kicked into full swing. Music playing through the speakers, alcohol pouring for the adults. Even after Jay made a heartfelt, emotional speech about how excited he was welcoming Daniel into the family officially ("Dan, you know you were always part of the family. It's great to see you're now officially part of it and can't leave. Good luck...But in all honestly, you're a good guy and I know you will treat my daughter well, because you know what will happen if you don't. I'm so happy for you two. My baby girl and my son."), causing everyone to get emotional. 

For the rest of the night, Chloe didn't leave her husband's side. Dancing together as they cherished the fact that they were now officially married. She felt tipsy as she danced with him. Her arms wrapped loosely around his neck, her eyes glued to his. Her looked down at her. Watching her every move with nothing but love in his eyes. 

"So..." Chloe grinned drunkly, she leaned up on her tip-toes to whisper in his ear, "I just checked my app and I'm ovulating," She pulled back with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on her lips.

"You are?"

She nodded and grabbed his hand, looking around to make sure everyone else was preoccupied before dragging him with her to the downstairs toilet. As soon as they were inside, they locked lips with Daniel picking her up and placing her down on the counter near the sink. Their kisses were sloppy but filled with nothing but love. Their hands exploring each other's bodies as fire erupted on their skin. She unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it down from his body, not being to hear it drop to the floor from her own loud heartbeat beating in her ears. Her hands travelling down his chest. Just as Chloe reached to unbuckle Dan's belt, the door suddenly opened causing them to break apart with wide eyes and messy appearances.

"Oh-Oh no. I'm so sorry. Oh, no," Phil shook his head. His eyes wide before he covered them with his hand, shaking his head, "I'm so sorry. This never happened. Carry on, please," He said, walking backwards out of the toilet and closing the door.

Chloe and Dan glanced at one another. Their breathing hard. Their clothes messy. Drunk grins on their faces. Pupils dilated.

"Oh, God, seriously!?" They heard Jay's grossed out voice from outside before the sound of banging on the door grabbed their attention, "Not in my house you two! You've got your honeymoon for that!"

With that, the couple began to laugh hysterically.

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