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CHLOE WALKED TOWARDS THE FRONT door of the Dunphy household. She had just dropped off her Christmas gifts to The Whitlock-Pierce household. Surprised to have received her own gift from Daniel; who handed her a small, nicely wrapped gift before he headed off to the vet clinic. Surprising not just her but also June who had stared at the pair wide eyed, teasing her younger best friend when Daniel left the house. Although she had gotten him a present, she hadn't expected him to get her one, knowing how busy he had been at the clinic lately. 

She could practically feel the present making her handbag heavier. Wanting to just open it, but she promised him she wouldn't open it until Christmas morning. And for some reason, she wanted to keep any promises she made to him.

Chloe sighed, getting brought back down to reality when she heard Claire's voice yelling from inside. Part of her wanted to just turn around and leave, but she pushed through it, opening the door, causing her sister's voice to get even louder.

"What's going on in here?" Chloe questioned, shutting the door behind herself before walking into the living room where the whole family was situated. The kids sitting on the couch in matching Christmas jumpers with Claire and Phil standing in front of them. Phil looking confused whilst Claire was red with anger.

"Was it you, huh?" Claire asked, glaring at her sister, "After all we've done for you? Letting you stay here. Phil trying his best to find you your own house, yet you do this?!"

Chloe's eyes widened as she lifted her arms in the air, "I wanna know what you're talking about before I agree to any fault."

Claire pointed at the armrest of the couch.

Chloe furrowed her brows, she placed the bag of gifts on the floor behind the couch and looked over the kids' heads. Spotting a small burn mark on the side, "Okay, what about it?"

"Did you smoke in here?" Claire pressed on.

"What? Of course not!" Chloe said, looking offended, "Look at this skin, Claire. It's not the skin of a smoker," She said, gesturing to her face, "You were the smoker in the family. Maybe you had too much wine and got into your own stash?"

"What stash?" Haley asked, titling her head at her mom.

Claire glared and shook her head, "No. It wasn't me."

"If it wasn't you, then it must have been one of the kids," Phil added, looking over at Chloe, "Oh, more bad news for you, your plant died."

Chloe raised a brow, "Plant? What plant? I don't have plants."

Phil pointed over at the dead plant on the coffee table, "That one. The one you got at that Christmas fair."

Chloe still looked blank.

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