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CHLOE WATCHED WITH A HEAVY heart as June buckled in Sophia into her car seat, whilst Zac did the same to Nicole. Today was the day that they were finally saying goodbye to Los Angeles. And more importantly, goodbye to Chloe and Daniel. 

"I guess this is it," June sighed, straightening up and walking over to Chloe, "I'm really going to miss you," She confessed, her eyes shining with a set of fresh tears.

Chloe nodded, feeling her throat tightening as emotions suddenly overcame her. She always hated crying in front of other people, especially in a public setting, but she could feel the tears prickling at her eyes, "I'm gonna miss you too, Junebug," She whispered, scared that if she had said it any louder the waterworks would come. Instead, she just threw her arms around her shorter best friend, holding her tight.

June returned the hug immediately. As both women closed their eyes and stayed in that position for several minutes, whilst Dan and Zac finished up setting up the car, staying back to allow the two women to have their goodbye.

"You better call me," Chloe said as they pulled away, "Do they have a time difference?" 

June wiped some of her tears, "It doesn't matter because, let's face it, I will be up all night with Sophia," She chuckled, "But of course I'm going to call you. All the time. And FaceTime and message. It'll be like I never even left."

Chloe felt her bottom lip quiver as so she bit it, hoping to not burst out into tears out on the front yard, "Urgh!" She groaned before pulling June in for one last hug. 

The two women had been friends since they were kids. Doing everything together. They even went off to college together and despite doing different subjects, they were able to share a dorm and hang out more often than not. They even had their first, experimental kiss together during one of many frat parties they got invited to. They had gone through many milestones together. And although now miles upon miles would be in between them, they knew nothing could break the lifetime bond they had shared. But that's what it meant to be an adult. Watching the ones you love move on to other things and no matter how painful it was, you just had to let them go.

"June," Zac called out softly, "We're gonna need to get going," He told her with a sad smile.

June nodded as she pulled away from Chloe. Furiously wiping her tears away from her face, "I love you."

"I love you too, Junebug," Chloe sighed, "If you don't go now, then I will kidnap you and keep you here!" She chuckled sadly, pushing her best friend away.

June nodded and turned away, walking over back towards the car, she hugged Daniel, swaying side to side as she said something into his ear. Whilst Chloe walked over to share a quick, friendly with Zac.

"Look after my girls, Whitlock, or I will find you," Chloe threatened as they pulled away, pointing a finger at him.

"I mean, you do have our address," He laughed, "But of course I'll look after them."

Chloe stepped away, as did Daniel whilst Zac and June finally got into the car. Zac in the driver seat with June in the passenger, looking out at her best friend and her brother standing on the empty lawn, the tears blurring her vision slightly, but she smiled through the sadness when she watched Daniel's arm wind itself around Chloe's shoulders. Instead of pushing it off, Chloe simply melted into his side, letting her arms wrap themselves around his torso as they stood there quietly, watching the car drive away.  

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