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"The family portrait today," Chloe interrupted her sister, rolling her eyes. She had been hearing about it for the past week from Claire, "I know. You've told me literally a million times. I'll be there." 

Claire nodded, "Just making sure you remember."

"You sure you don't wanna come to the game with us?" Phil asked Chloe.

"As much as I hate basketball, I would love to go," She sighed, "But I promised I'll attend this stupid double date."

"Double date?" Phil asked.

Chloe nodded, "Me, Patrick. Daniel and Stacy."

"I thought she was called Stephanie?" Claire asked, looking confused.

Chloe shrugged, "Same thing."

Claire and Phil shared a knowing look.

The doorbell rang, causing Chloe to groan.

"Guess that's Patrick. Wish me luck," She said, grabbing her handbag as well as her clothes bag, showing it to Claire when she spotted her sister opening her mouth, knowing very well she was going to remind her about the family portrait later that afternoon. She was about to walk out when she stopped and pointed at Phil, "Oh, yeah. Phil, will you come and pick up my car from the shop before we go house viewing tomorrow?" She asked.

"Of course," He nodded.

"Great. Wish me luck, bye bitches," She said, walking out of the kitchen and opening the door to see Patrick standing outside of it, wearing a large smile on his face and a nice suit. 

"You ready?" He asked, pressing a kiss to Chloe's cheek as they walked towards his car.

"Nope," She shook her head as she got inside the passenger seat, she turned to face him, "We can still just cancel."

Patrick shook his head, "Come on, it'll be fun."

Chloe looked at him in disbelief but turned away and sat back in the chair. Putting her seatbelt on as Patrick drove them towards the restaurant.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fun," Chloe said sarcastically, "Going on a double date with my new boyfriend, who I do like, with the guy that I thought I loved and his girlfriend. Yeah. So much fun. Maybe I could fake my own death?"

Chloe wanted to turn around and run out as soon as she and Patrick stepped foot in the restaurant. But she couldn't due to Daniel spotting the couple almost instantly and waving them over to the booth that he and Stephanie were already sat at. 

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