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"WHERE ARE YOU OFF TO?" Claire asked, watching her sister cautiously as Chloe climbed into her heels, ones she had accidentally left up in the kitchen the day prior after sneaking back home from Daniel's house

"Oh, I'm going with Dan to the mall," She informed Claire, "I promised him I'll help him pick out a gift for Manny. He's gonna drive us both to the restaurant."

"With Dan, huh," Claire smirked, "You bringing him as a date?"

"Gloria invited him," Chloe quickly answered, checking the contents of her handbag.

"Hmm," Claire nodded, looking at her skeptically, "Is he the one who sent those flowers yesterday?"

Chloe shook her head, "It's just from some guy."

"You're seeing a guy and you haven't told any of us about it?" Claire gasped in shock, causing Phil to gasp as well as he entered the kitchen, having overheard the conversation between the two sisters.

"Calm down, it's just casual," Chloe shrugged nonchalantly, she heard a knock on the front door, "That must be Dan. I'll see you at the restaurant. Wipe that smirk off your face, Claire." 

"Actually, it's not casual," Chloe said, grinning at the camera, she had a sparkle in her eyes that no one had ever seen her have before,"We've been together for almost four months now and it's been amazing. I have never felt this way about a guy before. And, yeah, I will tell my family eventually, I just...don't wanna ruin a good thing with their comments and stuff."

Daniel and Chloe walked through the mall. Hand-in-hand. In his other hand, he held a present bag for Manny. They had managed to find something for the young boy pretty quickly and decided to just spend the rest of the day together at the mall, having a coffee and some dessert in a small cafe before just walking around, enjoying each other's company.

Something that Chloe had never done with a guy. If they weren't sleeping together then they were either in a club getting wasted or they weren't spending time together at all. But walking hand-in-hand with Daniel and chatting about the most mindless things felt completely natural. So natural that Chloe couldn't help but kick herself at the fact that this could have been them years earlier, if only she hadn't been so scared to let someone in.

"What's got you so smiley?" Daniel's voice brought her out of her thoughts.

She shrugged, glancing over at him, "If I say it it's gonna sound really cheesy and then I'd have to slam my tongue in a car door."

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