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CHLOE LET OUT A LOUD huff as she fell back onto the bed. 

Onto their bed. 

Her arms splaying out wide as she stared up at the ceiling. Her heart felt full. She thought it could burst with the amount of happiness she felt now that she had officially moved in to live with Daniel. And not only that, but the fact whole family knowing and incorporating Daniel into the family even more so than he already was made her feel peace she had never felt before. With Mitch having added him to the group chat they had on WhatsApp. One that usually consisted of Jay accidentally calling everyone on or sending gibberish that his autocorrect assumed he wanted to say.

Daniel entered their bedroom. Smiling when he spotted Chloe's stuff mingling with his. Her dresses hung up in his closet. Her make-up and jewellery box on his dresser next to his watch. He grinned when he saw her lying on the bed. Her eyes staring up absent mindlessly at the ceiling, a permanent smile etched upon her face. He had never seen her smile as much in his life as he had for the past six months. 

"You all unpacked?" He asked, gaining her attention.

Chloe lifted herself up slightly. Leaning on her elbows as she looked over at her boyfriend, "Almost. Just need to unpack that bag of clothes," She told him, nodding her head at the opened bag that was sitting beside the door.

"Well, I made room for you in the dresser if you want to use that," He explained, pointing to two drawers that he cleared out for her.

She nodded and smiled, "Thank you. Now come here and join me," She grinned, falling back on the bed and patting the spot beside her.

Daniel grinned and jumped onto the bed. Watching as Chloe's eyes closed whilst she laughed. Her head automatically finding its way onto his shoulder as they wrapped their arms around each other. Feeling like a couple of puzzle pieces that had finally joined together.  

This was it.

This was the beginning of their new lives.

Their new lives together.

A milestone Chloe feared she would never reach. She had no plans on settling down with one man. Not until Daniel stormed his way back into her life. Somehow tapping into the optimistic romantic that she used to be before her parent's messy divorce. 

"I wish we could stay like this forever," She muttered, pressing her face into his neck. Her breath fanning out over his skin and causing a fire to spread through his bones.

"Me too, honey," He nodded. His rough stubble brushing her forehead. She loved the feeling of it. Always having found men with stubbles far more attractive. And in her eyes, he looked nothing short of hot with his signature stubble across his cheeks. 

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