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Chloe woke up with the biggest smile on her face. Next to her fiancé. The last morning ever that she would wake up next to a fiancé. She turned her head to look at Dan, noticing he was already awake and looking in her direction. A large grin plastered on his face. 

"So..." Chloe smirked, "You got any plans today?"

Daniel shrugged. He couldn't wipe the small off his face, "Oh, nothing much. I have a day off so might relax today, maybe go to the mall. Maybe get married, you?"

Chloe shrugged, "Oh you know, probably gonna go buy some shoes."

"Hmm, that all?" He grinned, leaning over to softly caress her cheek.

Chloe nodded, "Yeah, why, you wanna do something together?" She bit her lip, trying to contain her smile. She could feel her cheeks beginning to ache as she looked at Daniel. Her heart feeling full.

Daniel grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to him as she laughed. His heart swelling with joy at the sound. Sharing a passionate kiss together. Their bodies entangled. Happiness surrounding them.

"So, we're getting married today!" Chloe cheered, holding up her and Dan's interlocked hands.

"Finally," Daniel chuckled, pressing a kiss to Chloe's knuckles.

She nodded, "Finally!"

Chloe finished getting changed into her dress. She, Gloria, Cam and Claire went shopping to pick it out, with June on FaceTime during the trip. Whilst Phil, Mitch and even Jay had gone out to help Dan. It was a simple dress, but it was perfect. It screamed Chloe. It was white, reaching the middle of her thighs with long sleeves and it was tastefully backless. She wore some matching white chunky heels and a short veil over her face. 

Daniel wore the usual black and white tuxedo. With a white flower in his pocket. He kept his stubble short but visible, knowing how much Chloe loved it. He had a matching black tie tied around his neck. And Chloe couldn't stop staring at how handsome he looked.

When Daniel laid his eyes on his almost-wife he felt like his heart stopped. He felt like it was all a dream. Like it was all too good to be true. There she was. Standing outside their bathroom wearing her wedding dress to get married to him. To him. He never in a million years thought that this dream would come true.

"You-You look beautiful," He breathed out. Walking across the room to reach her, placing his hand on her cheek tenderly.

"You look so handsome," She told him, patting his chest.

The doorbell rang, breaking them apart.

"That'll be Mitch and Cam, you ready?" Chloe asked. Looking up at Daniel. There was anxiety in her eyes. Fearing that maybe Daniel had changed his mind.

But as soon as he nodded the fear washed away, "You bet I am."

When they went downstairs to meet Cam and Mitch, who were going to drive them to get married and be their witnesses, both had tears in their eyes. Especially Mitchell as he hugged his sister as tight as he could. Not being able to believe that his little sister was finally getting married. 

"You look beautiful," He told her in her ear. Rubbing her back, "I'm so happy for you. For both of you," He added when they pulled away and he pulled Dan into a hug whilst Cameron rushed over to hug Chloe.

"Thank you, Mitch, it means a lot," Dan said, patting Mitchell's shoulder.

Chloe nodded, "It really does. Wow, can you believe this is happening, eh?" She chuckled, looking at Mitch.

"As soon as you two started dating, we knew it would," He confessed, gesturing to himself and Cam.

"We really did!" Cam nodded, wiping away a stray tear, "Now, come on. Let's get you two married!"

With that, they all climbed into Mitch's car. Daniel and Chloe sitting in the back, their fingers interlocked and eyes glued to one another the whole way. Both of them clearly more than excited that this day had finally arrived. That finally, they were going to become an official family together. The first day of the rest of their lives together.

The ceremony was small and intimate but it was perfect. They exchanged their vows, cried during the whole of it (although nowhere near as much as Cam had) and then placed the rings on each other's fingers before finally sealing it all with a kiss. Finally becoming husband and wife.

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