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MITCHELL AND CAMERON INVITED THE whole family round for dinner. When Chloe had spoken to Cam about it, he seemed very giddy, like there was some news that he was excited to share but she couldn't get it out of him, so she was very excited to see how the dinner would go.

Daniel and Chloe sat on their couch. Their arms locked together and their bodies pressed close. Giggling with each other.

"So, we are engaged," Chloe grinned. Showing her left hand to the camera. Wiggling her fingers, "And we decided we're just going to elope in a few weeks time. Just the two of us. My dad had offered to throw us a party afterwards though, both of our families coming to it."

Daniel nodded, "June, Zac and the girls are even coming by. My parents too."

 "Hopefully keeping the party and the ceremony so separate will eliminate the craziness," Chloe added, "Especially from my lot. Actually..." She glanced at Daniel, "Our lot."

Daniel grinned at his fiancé. His eyes sparkling as he looked at her. His heart feeling full, "Our lot."

Chloe and Daniel were the first to arrive at Mitch and Cam's, seeing as they lived exactly opposite each other. It wasn't long until the rest of the family arrived, everyone gathered around in the living room. Chatting amongst themselves, drinking wine and eating snacks. 

"Where is Lily?" Gloria asked.

"Um, she's getting dressed," Cam told her. Looking emotional.

"Wow, all by herself?" Claire asked.

"Cam is encouraging her to be more independent," Mitchell explained, "And there she is," He grinned watching as their daughter entered the living room before he let out a small gasp.

Chloe almost spat out her wine when she saw Lily enter. She wore a pink long sleeve shirt with purple butterflies on it. Some matching pink pants. A bright green tutu on top of the pants. Some cowboy boots. A yellow bikini top. A pink crotchet hat with a large flower on the side of it and a plastic, pink tiara on top.

"Doesn't she look beautiful," Mitchell commented. Smiling at his daughter encouragingly but the look in his eyes told Chloe that he didn't believe a word that left his mouth.

"Hi, sweetheart," Chloe greeted her when she rushed into her aunts arms, before hugging Daniel too and then going to stand by Cameron.

"She looks like she was dipped in glue and dragged through a flea market," Cam muttered.

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