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AFTER THE MOST AWKWARD DINNER, Chloe walked Daniel out of the Dunphy house. The pair side by side, walking slowly towards the front gate, as if both of them wanted to savour the last few moments of being together.

"What did I say, eh?" Chloe asked, nudging his arm with hers, "I told you it was going to go terribly."

Daniel laughed. She watched as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. His head thrown back. Eyes squinting under the moonlight, "Fine. You were right. But I'm still glad I came. It was nice to catch up with you all."

Chloe nodded as she quickly looked away from him, "Yeah. Yeah it was. It's nice to have you back."

His eyes widened as he looked at her when they stopped at the gate, not having believed what he just heard coming from her bright red lips, "Wow, did the Chloe Pritchett just say something nice about someone?! How drunk are you?"

Chloe laughed as she pushed his shoulder, "If you tell anyone about this I will egg your car."

He nodded at her, "I wouldn't expect anything different," He grinned. Watching as her eyes shone under the stars. Looking like they belonged up in the sky amongst them rather than down here on earth.

He had always known she was beautiful. And seeing her again after so many years seemed to have ignited the feelings he felt for her back when they were teenagers, the feelings he felt so deeply way before he left off to go to veterinary school. Over the years he'd date other women, hoping to forget about his sister's best friend, but somehow she still kept finding her way back into his mind. Especially when he would open up his sister's Facebook or Instagram account and see the pair, grinning at the camera.

He had even dated a woman before by the name of Cara. And had accidentally called her Chloe during an intimate moment between the two. Safe to say she blocked his phone number and he never heard from her again.

Chloe couldn't help as she observed the man in front of her. Almost feeling nervous under his intense gaze. Like he was truly seeing her and somehow could see everything she ever thought about. Despite having - what some might say - 'too much confidence', she almost felt nervous. Vulnerable under his stare. 

"Okay! Yes. I will admit it if everyone gets off my back once I do," Chloe sighed, sinking into the couch, "Daniel Piece is a very attractive man. There! Everyone happy now!?" She threw her head back, closing her eyes as she grabbed one of the couch pillows. She put it over her face, hiding herself from view as she screamed into it. 

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