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CHLOE STARED AT JUNE'S FACE on her laptop. The two women having their usual catch up video call session. June watched her best friend with a frown on her face. Seeing the sadness in Chloe's eyes.

"I mean, it can take a long time sometimes," June said, trying to reassure her best friend.

Chloe groaned, "Yeah, but we've been trying for what feels like forever now. What if I just can't have kids? What then? Oh, my God, Dan's gonna leave me. He wants a family and if I can't give him that then why would he stay--"

"Chloe! Chloe!" June yelled, snapping her fingers at the screen, "Snap out of it, yeah? Please, just take a deep breath."

Chloe stared at the screen. Not breathing.


"Fine, okay," The black haired woman sighed. Nodding her head. She took in a deep inhale, closing her eyes momentarily before letting it out and re-opening her eyes. 

"Okay, you need to calm yourself, the stress definitely isn't helping," June said with a pointed look, "Daniel loves you so so so much. He isn't going to leave you over this. Have you spoken to a doctor yet?"

Chloe shook her head, her eyes widening, "Oh, hell no."


"Because that'll solidify that I'm the problem and that I can't have kids or something," Chloe explained. Fear of disappointing her husband and not being able to start a family with him filling her bones, "I mean, everyone I know gets pregnant so easily. Like even you got pregnant quick, didn't you?"

June tilted her head slightly, "With Nat, yes. But With Soph, no," She confessed.

Chloe looked at her friend. Not having known that. Biting her lip as she tilted her head, "Really?"

June nodded, "Oh, yeah. We tried for Soph for almost two years I think. That's just what happens sometimes, Chlo. Just think about maybe speaking to a doctor or at least speak to Daniel. I know he'll assure you that he wouldn't leave you."

Chloe sighed. As she was about to respond, her phone on the coffee table pinged. She reached over, grabbing it. Her eyes widening as she read the message from Gloria. Worry filling her veins as she re-read it multiple times, making sure that she hadn't misread anything.

'Phil's getting bad news from his doctor. Come quickly.'

"Shit, I gotta go," Chloe said. 

"Is everything okay?" June asked, looking worried.

She shrugged, "I have no idea. I need to go to my sister's. I'll let you know once I know what's going on."

June nodded understandingly as the two women said their goodbyes. Chloe threw her laptop on the other side of the couch as she rushed around, grabbing her shoes and then her car and house keys. Practically sprinting towards her vehicle. She sped to the Dunphy house. Anxiety thoughts spiralling in her thoughts about what could be wrong with Phil. 

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