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CHLOE WAS SURPRISED TO HEAR that Mitchell actually been the one to finish the princess castle for Lily. Cam and Jay were the ones that were supposed to finish it all, but came back to Mitch already inside it. What she wasn't surprised about, however, was the fact that her brother had somehow got himself stuck inside the castle. Clearly not able to get back out of it without the help of Jay and Cam once a bird flew inside and he began to panic. 

Jay looked at the camera, "Chloe is horrendous at DIY, but honestly, I would trust her more with a tool than I would Mitchell. How do you get yourself trapped inside the thing you're building?"

"Thank you for looking after her today," Cam said, smiling appreciatively at Chloe as the both of them tucked Lily into her cot.

"No worries, you know I love looking after this one," Chloe said, stroking Lily's cheek gently with the pad of her thumb. 

"And she loves her favorite aunt," Cam grinned, nudging Chloe's shoulder with his. 

She grinned, "I knew it. I knew I as the favorite."

Her phone buzzed in the pocket of her jacket and she quickly rushed out of Lily's room, careful not to wake her back up. She answered quickly spotting that it was June calling.

"She's coming! Argh! The baby's coming! I can't get a hold of Zac or Dan! Help me, Chloe!"

Chloe's eyes widened, "Oh, shit. Fuck! Okay, erm....don't panic? I'll be right over and I'll take you to the hospital. Fuck!"

Cameron looked concerned, watching as Chloe scrambled around to grab her bag and car keys, "Is everything okay?" He asked.

"June's gone into labor," Chloe told him, "I gotta go. See you later, oh, I think Mitch is stuck in the princess castle again!" She said as she ran out of the house and straight to her car. Jumping in and driving back to June's house to pick her up.

Once she had her in the passenger seat, she drove her best friend to the hospital.

"Don't birth it in my car please!" Chloe begged. Looking between June and the road with a panicked look on her face.

"Aargh! Don't tell me what to do!" June yelled. She then let out a long, pained scream.

Chloe screamed too. Hers was more out of panic.

Both women just screaming for the whole journey to the hospital. Only stopping once some doctors came out and helped get June inside whilst Chloe stayed out, ringing Zac and Daniel a hundred times before finally Zac answered, telling her he was stuck in traffic but was going to make his way straight to the hospital as soon as he could. Daniel had been called into the vet clinic and so she left him multiple messages before she went into the room June was in.

"Is it out yet?" She asked, poking her head in before fully entering.

June sighed and shook her head, "No. Nothing yet. Zac?"

Chloe went to sit down next to June, "He's stuck in traffic but said he'll get here as soon as he can."

June groaned in pain as she reached out to grab Chloe's hand. Squeezing the life out of it and causing Chloe to groan, feeling like her bones were about to snap. 

"I need to tell you something!" June yelled. Closing her eyes in pain as she threw her head back into the pillows propped up behind her, "Please don't be mad. I'm - Argh! - sorry I didn't tell you - Argh! - earlier!"

Chloe furrowed her brows.

"We're moving!"

"What? Where?"

"To be closer to - Argh! - Zac's family, in Michigan!" June groaned. Panting once the pain stopped and opened her eyes to look at Chloe, "Please don't be mad."

Chloe shook her head, "I'm not mad. Sad that I won't see you as often, but I get it," She assured her. Squeezing her hand gently.

"I love you!" June cried.

"I love you!" 

"I'm here! I'm here!" Zac yelled. Bursting into the room, completely out of breath and covered in a layer of sweat, "Did I miss it?"

June shook her head and he sighed in relief.

"Thank God," He sighed, walking over to June's other side. Pressing a soft kiss on her hair, "Daniel is going to pick Nicole up."

"I'll leave you two to it," Chloe said, standing up, "Good luck," She added, squeezing June's hand before going to sit outside in the waiting room. Trying to comprehend the news that her best friend was moving across the country.

She didn't know how long she had been there for, but she must have fallen asleep because she was awoken by Daniel finally arriving. After he picked Nicole up, he dropped her off at the Dunphy's with Claire offering to look after the girl so that Nicole could go to sleep and not have to sit in a hospital, seeing as it had been hours and still the baby hadn't been born and so Daniel could go back to the vet clinic for a few more hours before going to see his sister. 

"Sorry for waking you," He said, smiling sheepishly as he took a seat next to her.

"It's fine. What's the time?" She waved him off.

"Almost nine o'clock," He said, looking down at his watch.

Chloe moved her head from side to side, trying to get rid of the strain that appeared from sleeping in a sitting up position, "She told me about the move," Chloe commented.

Daniel nodded, "Yeah, she was really on the fence about it. She didn't want to leave you, but Zac's mother is getting iller."

Chloe nodded, "I get it. You're still sticking around right?" She asked, glancing over at him.

Daniel smiled and nodded, "Of course I am, you can't get rid of me that easily."

Chloe smiled tiredly at him, "I'm glad to hear it."

"Get some rest."

Chloe nodded, "You too," She said, sending him a pointed look at she looked at his tired eyes threatening to close. And with that both of them quieted down, letting their tiredness win. Chloe's head somehow found its way onto Daniel's shoulder, whilst his rested on top of hers. 

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