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CHLOE TOOK A SIP OF her wine. Chuckling into the glass at the story Cam told her and Gloria, about a high school prank gone wrong. The three of them were having their own little three-way date. They spend part of the day shopping once Chloe got off work, before coming back to Chloe and Daniel's house. The latter of the couple had flown over to Michigan for the weekend to see June, Zac and the girls due to it being Nicole's birthday. Chloe had spoken to the Whitlock family over FaceTime the night before, catching up with her best friend and certainly not envying Dan for going there when she heard Nicole running around screaming her head off, looking like the girl had more energy than ever before. Sophia seeming to be the exact opposite, staring at her sister with wide eyes but staying quiet. 

The trio hadn't had too much time for a catch-up lately, all of them busy with their own lives so finding this day seemed like a nice breath of air. Getting drunk, watching movies and eating anything and everything they wanted. 

Gloria and Cam glanced around the living room. Spotting the decoration that adored the room. More specifically the photo frames which held photos of the happy couple. Neither of them had ever seen this side of Chloe, it seemed to strange yet so natural-looking, especially learning from Claire, Mitchell and Jay that Chloe had used to be the most romantic of them all. Loving love more than anyone. It broke the whole family to see how much the divorce and the breaking of so many relationships around her had affected her, so to see this glimpse of her again brought a smile to everyone's face.

Even Jay had gushed to Gloria in secret about how happy he was for his daughter. How much Daniel's presence had put his youngest daughter in ease. How she seemed much less stress now that she had someone there by her side. 

"So..." Gloria grinned at Chloe. Wiggling her brows, "How are you and Daniel then?"

Chloe smiled at the mention of her boyfriend. Feeling like a loved-up teenager, "It's going amazingly. Part of me is worried about that though."

Cam and Gloria frowned.

"What do you mean?" Cam questioned as Gloria reached out and placed her hand over Chloe's knee.

She shrugged, "I dunno. I guess it seems too good to be true. Like this isn't real and something is going to come crashing down around us and break us up."

"Are you kidding? You two are perfect together!" Gloria exclaimed, squeezing Chloe's knee, "I think you need to let yourself be happy finally."

Chloe nodded. She sipped the wine before putting the glass down onto the coffee table and then leaning back into the couch, "He makes me want to be a better person," She confessed. Throwing her head back, her eyes closing momentarily so she didn't spot the huge smiles Gloria and Cameron shared.

"I want to be a bridesmaid!" Cam yelled, throwing his arm in the air.

"Me too!" Gloria added, nodding her head vigorously.

Chloe opened her eyes. She laughed and pushed the pair, "Stop!" 

"Look at you, blushing," Gloria smiled. Her heart felt full. They were family and it was amazing to see a family member so happy. 

"No, I'm not!" Chloe yelled, shaking her head as she put her hands over her face, "Stop it. Come on, let's watch some movies!"

"They are definitely getting married within the year," Cam smirked at the camera, nodding his head, "I can feel it."

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