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MUCH TO THE SURPRISE OF the Pritchett-Dunphy-Tucker family, Chloe chose to spend her thirty-first birthday not making it a massive deal. She lied to her family and spend a dinner with them the day prior the big day, saying she would be off to meet June halfway for the weekend. In reality, her and Daniel booked themselves into a hotel for the weekend. A hotel Mitchell had once told her about, saying he wished to go there to de-stress one day, all alone.

She felt like she was on cloud nine the whole time she was there. She switched her phone off and allowed herself to be pampered and cared for without any guilt. They had a couple's spa day. Dinner in the best restaurant. Normally she hated big displays of birthdays with staff singing and bringing out some dessert, but with Daniel sitting opposite her, she found herself loving every second of it. Clapping excitedly before blowing out the candles on the delicious brownie he ordered for her. 

They swam around in the pool and were practically superglued to each other throughout the whole weekend. Stealing glances and kisses. Chloe had never felt like this around anyone else before. All her previous relationships had always been more physical, but with Daniel there was something more there. There was something about him that just allowed Chloe to be herself. That allowed her to be at her most vulnerable without the fear that usually lingered there. 

Daniel had never seen her smile as much as she smiled that weekend. And he couldn't help the warm feeling that spread through his chest whenever he saw her trying to hide the happiness. There was just something about her, that whilst on paper Chloe Pritchett and Daniel Pierce might seem like very opposites. In reality, they clicked more than anyone could have ever imagined. 

"Thank you," Chloe said. She was lying next to Daniel in their hotel bed. Her hair fanned out on the soft pillow. She could feel goosebumps forming on her skin as Daniel's fingers danced up and down her arm. Leaving small fires in their wake.

Waking up next to him for the past couple of mornings felt like the best thing Chloe had ever experienced. But the reality of going back home caused a fear to settle in her stomach. 

"You don't need to thank me," He told her, squeezing her closer to his body with one arm before putting his other one up under his head, "I just hope you had a good birthday."

Chloe nodded. Her hair brushing his arm, "It was probably the best birthday I ever had," She confessed. She bit her lip as she finally asked him the question that had been lingering on her mind since she woke up that morning, "Do you think this is it? This is how good it gets and it's all downhill from here?"

Daniel furrowed his brows in confusion. He looked down at her, "What do you mean?"

Chloe sighed and turned around onto her stomach. Daniel's arm falling off of her shoulders. He raised his palm to press it against her bicep as she used her hand to prop up her head and looked at him. Worry evident in her eyes. 

"I mean, are we already going to be over the 'honeymoon stage'?" She asked, "We'll be back home. Working. Dealing with my crazy family. Pulling away from each other before we realise that we hate each other and then you decide that enough is enough and you leave after weeks of resentment that had build up."

Daniel's eyes widened as he listened to her ramble, "Chloe, Chloe, no," He shook his head. Propping himself up onto his elbows, "It won't be like that."

"How can you be so sure though?" She pressed on. Sending him a pointed look.

"Because I really like you, okay, I think that - No," He shook his head, "I know that I am in love with you. I have been for years. I know your family well enough to not let it affect our relationship. This weekend has been amazing but I know things will continue to be when we get back home because to me you're not just a quick hook-up. I know you get scared when there's feelings involved, but I can't lie to you. There are feelings involved, at least for me."

Chloe felt some of her worries lifting, "There are feelings for me too," She nodded, "I think that's what scares me."

Daniel nodded understandingly. He took one of her hands in his. Enveloping it in his larger one and rubbing small circles on the back of it, "Well, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. So you can share those fears with me."

Chloe's smile widened. The worry had seemed to disappear from her eyes as she threw herself on top of Daniel, causing the man to laugh as he wrapped his arms around her. She grabbed his face. His stubble tickling her palm as she pressed her lips against his. Kissing him as passionately as she could, "Goddamn you, Daniel Pierce. I love you, too."

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