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CHLOE AND DANIEL AGREED TO look after Lily whilst Mitchell and Cam went to an event Mitch's boss was hosting. She noticed how stressed and overall crazy the couple were acting, apparently both of them having gone on a diet together. She even spotted Cameron standing in the kitchen, crying as he looked at a box of cupcakes that were on the counter that Dan had bought on his way from work the day prior.

Once she saw Mitch and Cam out, wondering how they were going to behave at the event if they didn't eat anything anytime soon, she went back into the living room. Standing in the door threshold and smiling to herself as she watched Daniel sitting back on the couch, Lily kneeling next to him, painting his nails a glittery pink color. 

She remembered how once this is was something that she had dreamed of. A loving husband, a kid or two. Living a happy life together in a big, beautiful house with a large backyard that allowed for the kids to run around with a family dog. Her parent's divorce killed the romantic part of her. The part that thought that a perfect life like that was at all possible. That one day she would get to live it with her own family. 

But then Daniel... Daniel had come back into her life at the most unexpected time and reignited that light that was burned out. She didn't know how he did it. But she just knew that he did. And that she would be forever grateful for him and all he's stuck through to be with her. Knowing that this was the one and only person who she wanted to spend the rest of her days with.

"I think my heart melted when I came back and saw that," Chloe smiled warmly, "He would be a great dad one day. I know it."

When Daniel noticed her, leaning against the doorframe and smiling, he quickly waved her over. She grinned and rushed towards them, sitting down on Dan's other side, complimenting him on his pretty nails and telling Lily she was doing a great job. Once she had done Dan's nails, she asked to do Chloe's. So, Chloe went off to the bathroom to take off the nail varnish she already had on before coming back to let Lily put glittery pink nail varnish on instead. 

Her hands were resting on Dan's lap as Lily worked hard on them. Sticking her tongue out in concentration. Chloe glanced back at Dan, both of them smiling at each other. They had talked about kids eventually, and looking after Lily seemed to bring them a kid fever. Their eyes silently communicating what they were both thinking. 

They were ready and they wanted to expand their family.

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