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CHLOE, DANIEL, MITCH AND CAM decided to all go out together on a sort-of double date to the movies. She sat in between her brother and her fiancé. Dan on her left and Mitch on her right with Cameron sitting on the other side of Mitch as they awaited for the movie to start.

Chloe was mindlessly popping her sweet and salty popcorn into her mouth. Trying to not finish it before the movie even started.

"'Actor-writer-director who packs a punch'," Cameron muttered, reading off the screen.

"Sylvester Stallone," Both Mitch and Cam said at the same time.

"I said it first," Cameron said. He glanced around, his eyes suddenly widening when he spotted a man with two children coming to sit behind them, "Oh, my God. This guy brought his kids, Mitchell," Cameron whispered.

Chloe and Dan both glanced over their shoulders. Shocked that the kids were even allowed in, seeing as they looked no older than ten and the movie was a fifteen plus. 

"My God. To this movie?" Mitchell asked. His eyes widening in shock, "Isn't it supposed to be super violent?"

Cameron turned around to face the man, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to overstep, but I don't know that this movie is really appropriate for children. I'm terrified to see it. That's why we're here during the day."

Chloe glanced at the man as he looked at Cam unbothered.

"It's okay. We're good," He tells him.

Cam stared at him blankly before turning back around, "Okay. I tried," He muttered.

"Yeah. All you can do," Mitch assured him.

"Yeah, he'll regret it once he has to pay for their therapy in a few years time," Chloe commented, as she returned back to looking at the screen as the lights finally went down, the movie about to start.

Cameron sighed and turned back around, "You know, I've read this book, and I know what's gonna happen, and it's very disturbing. I really think you might be inviting some pretty serious nightmares here."

"Hey buddy. They're my kids. I got it," The man responded, clearly starting to get frustrated with Cam's interference. 

"Yeah, but I don't think you do," Cam shook his head.

Chloe lowered herself in her seat. Hoping that people wouldn't start looking their way due to Cam's outburst. She felt Dan do the same thing, both of them trying to discreetly distance themselves.

"Cam. Cam," Mitchell mumbled, starting to look embarrassed, "He says he's got it, all right? You've said your piece. Just watch the movie."

Cameron sighed but turned back around to face the screen. Chloe looked over towards him and could see how much he was clearly restraining himself not to continue his tirade.

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