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THE WHOLE FAMILY - PLUS DYLAN - decided to travel to a Dude Ranch for the weekend. Chloe was surprised how Haley and Phil somehow managed to convince Claire to let Dylan come; seeing as she certainly wasn't his biggest fan. Something she didn't even try to hide. Her face always contorted with annoyance whenever he was near. Which hadn't made the plane journey over easy seeing as he had been seated on Claire's right with Phil on her left, Daniel and Chloe were behind them, spotting the way Claire would recoil to get away from Dylan.

As soon as they arrived at the ranch, the whole family seemed excited, chattering amongst themselves as they looked around. Chloe held Dan's hand, whilst her free arm was wrapped around Luke's shoulders, guiding the boy towards some horses for him to pet.

"Look, Jay! So beautiful!" Gloria yelled as she pet one of the horses. 

"Er...Your ears haven't popped yet, huh?" Jay asked, his voice much quieter in comparison.

"I'm like the Horse Whisperer! But something is making this one skittish!" She exclaimed, watching as the horse huffed before walking away.

Chloe's eyes widened as she looked at the mountains. They were absolutely beautiful. The sky was clear and the air was warm. The whole experience just seemed like something out of a story book. 

"I've never been this far from home before," She overheard Dylan say, he too was looking towards the mountains that were past the open field. He took a large step forward, "Now I've never been this far," He took another large step, "Now I've never been this far."

Chloe smirked as she spotted the annoyed expression on her sister's face. Her eyes almost rolling into the back of her head as she heard her daughter's boyfriend excitedly take yet another step.

"She might lose her mind from this," Chloe chuckled to Dan.

"Look, kids! A real-life cowboy!" Jay announced, causing the whole family to look back at a cowboy riding a horse towards them.

Chloe widened her eyes and moved closer to Dan when the man suddenly threw an axe past them. Watching as it soared through the air before sticking itself perfectly into a piece of wood near the entrance. The family clapped and cheered, clearly impressed.

"My name is Hank," He told them, eyeing each and every person up, Chloe couldn't help but wonder if that was his real voice or whether he was putting on a stereotypical 'cowboy accent', "Here at the Lost Creek Ranch, you're gonna ride and you're gonna rope..."

"Kinky," Chloe muttered causing Dan to chuckle.

"...And you're gonna shoot. You're gonna see a sky so full of stars, it'll put your city lights to shame. And when it's all done, you might just encounter a piece of yourself you never knew was there. Are there any questions?"

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