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ONCE CHLOE, GLORIA AND ALEX had their lunch, they began to wander around the mall. Chatting amongst themselves, and having a genuine great time. Even Alex - who usually hated going shopping - was enjoying herself, smiling widely and eventually the thirteen year old agreed to buy a dress, after she had seen the dresses and shoes Gloria and Chloe bought for themselves. 

Chloe had helped her pick out a pretty blue dress with some matching shoes, with Gloria paying for it. Gloria had offered to get her some lipgloss too and some hair accessories but Alex had decided that the dress and small heeled shoes would have been enough girly stuff for a while. 

As the three of them walked through the mall, heading to the exit to go back home, Chloe spotted two familiar figures entering the mall. She found herself smiling at Daniel Pierce when his eyes spotted her, walking beside his brother-in-law.

"Wow, who is he?" Gloria asked, smirking as she looked between Chloe and Daniel, having noticed the smiles and waves that they sent each other discreetly.

"That is June's brother, Daniel," Chloe told her. Looking away from the man when he and Zac entered a baby store, disappearing from view whilst She, Gloria and Alex walked out into the fresh air, making their way over to Gloria's car.

Gloria wiggled her brows and nudged Chloe's shoulder, "He's cute! You should totally go for him."

Chloe furrowed her brows, "Oof, no thank you. June told me he wants a serious relationship."

"But I saw the way he looked at you," Gloria told her, unlocking the car and putting her shopping into the boot whilst Alex climbed into the back and Chloe stood beside Gloria, "He's cute. You're gorgeous. Why not give it a try?" She asked before both women made their way into the front of the vehicle after closing the boot. 

Gloria getting into the driver's seat with Chloe in the passenger seat, putting her shopping on the floor at her feet. 

Chloe gave Gloria a look, "You know I'm not the relationship type."

Gloria shrugged as she turned on the engine and reversed out of the parking spot, almost hitting a car that was driving past causing Chloe to grab hold of the armrest, "People can change, Chloe," She reminded the younger woman. 

Chloe nodded as she looked out of the window, "Yeah. And that's usually the problem," She sighed causing Gloria to frown.

The rest of the car journey was quiet. Not in an awkward of uncomfortable way, just in a way that allowed all three of the females to get stuck in their own thoughts. 

Alex wondering about whether the busboy was actually smiling at him in the little cafe, a slight giddiness at the thought that maybe he actually was smiling at her. Gloria thought about how she could convince Chloe that she was deserving of love and how to help her open up to new experiences that seemingly everyone knew Chloe deep down wanted, but just refused to voice, hiding behind a mask of indifference. 

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