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The air between them crackled with tension.

Lee Jihoon, cold and calculating, leaned against the brick wall of the dim alley, his sharp gaze fixed on the figure approaching him. He tightened his grip on the gun tucked into his jacket, ready for whatever was coming. He had heard of this man—Officer Kwon Soonyoung, the golden boy of the CBI, infamous for bringing down criminals with unrelenting determination. Jihoon had crossed paths with the law plenty of times, but this one... this one was different.

Soonyoung stopped a few feet away, his eyes locking with Jihoon's, both sizing each other up, the weight of the moment heavy between them. His police badge gleamed under the pale moonlight, but it wasn't the badge that made Jihoon's pulse quicken. It was something else. Something he couldn't quite place but felt deep in his bones—a familiarity he couldn't shake, an echo of a memory from long ago.

"You should've run when you had the chance," Soonyoung's voice was low, but laced with challenge. His eyes were sharp, filled with a mixture of frustration and something unspoken—something that Jihoon couldn't ignore. "This is your last warning, Lee Jihoon."

Jihoon smirked, pushing off the wall as if the weight of Soonyoung's words didn't faze him. "And you should've stayed out of my way." His voice was smooth, dripping with defiance, but there was an edge to it. An edge Soonyoung noticed.

For a moment, neither moved. They stood there, two men on opposite sides of the law, bound by the roles they played in a dangerous world. But behind the sharp words and hostile stances, something lingered—something far deeper than rivalry. A flicker of recognition passed through Soonyoung's eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared, buried beneath the weight of their conflict.

"You always were stubborn," Soonyoung muttered under his breath, almost too quietly for Jihoon to hear.

Jihoon's smirk faltered, a momentary crack in his facade. But he recovered quickly, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "What did you just say?"

Soonyoung didn't answer. Instead, he stepped closer, his expression hardening, but his gaze softening in a way that sent Jihoon's heart racing in a way it hadn't in years. Something about this confrontation felt too personal, too close to home, like they had been here before, a long time ago, in a place neither could quite remember.

But that truth remained buried, undisclosed, lost in the storm of their rivalry. For now, they were enemies.

For now.

This story contains disturbing and triggering contents and is based on smut. So if you are below 18, read at your own risk.

And this is a ship fanfic. So if you are homophobic or don't support ships and stuff, you can leave.

Main Characters:

Lee Jihoon
Kwon Soonyoung
Yuta Nakamoto

By this fanfic I didn't try to promote any type of religions or belief. This was an entirely made up concept far away from reality. So read this lightheartedly.

This is the fifth book of my Seventeen UNDERWORLD series where I'm writing one book dedicated to each ship. In case y'all haven't seen the announcement already, I'll just name the books.

Legacy: Jeongcheol
Betrayal: Seoksoo
Empire: Meanie
Shadows: Junhao
Conquest: Soonhoon
Whispers: Verkwan
Dynasty: OT13

The first four books are already done. Even this book contains scenes and references from the previous book, so if you haven't read them already I would recommend reading them first.

Thank you for 20k reads on The Legacy, 6k reads on The Betrayal, 4k on The Empire and 2k reads on The Shadows. Midnight gang and Jeongcheol's legacy will continue, Seoksoo overcame the betrayal, Meanie succeeded in building their own empire, Junhao fought the shadows of their past. Now it's time for Soonhoon to win their conquest.

If you are a Carat, stream Darling,darling~(Vernon why would you say that😭🛐)

Show your love to 17 Is Right Here album, stream Maestro (literally a masterpiece) and let's root for the October cb. Jeonghan will be joining military on 26th, so let's hope for his safe completion of the service. Also let's support Jun for his acting career. If you're not a Carat, slip into the diamond life, love.😌

Also show some love to my other stories.

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