58: Peace Is Over

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The sun was high in the sky by the time Jihoon and Soonyoung finally woke up again. The room was warm, bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon light streaming through the curtains. Jihoon shifted in bed, letting out a groan as his muscles ached in protest. He was sore—really sore, thanks to their rather *active* morning, and he wasn't about to let Soonyoung forget it.

"Ruby..." Jihoon grumbled, turning his head to find Soonyoung sitting at the edge of the bed, tying his tousled hair back into a messy bun. "I can't feel my legs."

Soonyoung, still in a post-morning-sex haze, gave him a lopsided grin. "Good morning to you too, babe." He leaned over, pressing a quick kiss to Jihoon's forehead. "I'll get us some food. You rest up, my poor, exhausted boyfriend."

Jihoon squinted at him. "I'm not your poor, exhausted boyfriend. I'm your very annoyed boyfriend who you ruined." He tried to sit up, but his body immediately protested, and he let out a hiss of pain as he slumped back against the pillows.

Soonyoung couldn't hold back his laughter, watching Jihoon struggle with both amusement and fondness. "Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad! You were enjoying yourself."

Jihoon shot him a glare that could cut through steel. "Enjoying myself? Ruby, you practically *broke* me. I need to file a complaint."

"I didn't hear any complaints this morning," Soonyoung teased, winking as he stood up from the bed. He stretched his arms over his head, completely unbothered by Jihoon's dramatics. "You should be thanking me for the workout."

Jihoon rolled his eyes and flopped back into the pillows. "Just go get the food before I decide to dump you."

Soonyoung snorted and headed out of the bedroom, knowing full well Jihoon didn't mean it. A few minutes later, he returned with two takeout containers of their favorite lunch from the cafe down the street. He walked back in with a triumphant grin, holding the bags up like a victorious knight returning from battle.

"Food's here, your majesty," Soonyoung announced, setting the containers on the bed. He climbed back in, sitting cross-legged beside Jihoon, who was still lying back dramatically.

Jihoon, with a sarcastic little sigh, adjusted himself into a sitting position, albeit very gingerly. "Took you long enough. I thought I was going to die of starvation."

"Drama queen," Soonyoung teased, handing Jihoon his food. "If you wanted me to pamper you like a prince, you just had to say so."

Jihoon raised an eyebrow and gave him a pointed look. "Ruby, you broke me. You *owe* me pampering."

Soonyoung barked out a laugh, shaking his head as he began to open his own food. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for 'breaking' you, but I'll have you know it's not my fault you were so... irresistible." He shot Jihoon a sly grin and nudged his foot under the blanket.

Jihoon's face flushed, but he quickly recovered, rolling his eyes. "Your sweet talk doesn't work on me, Ruby."

"Doesn't it?" Soonyoung wiggled his eyebrows, leaning closer. "Because I distinctly remember you saying my name... quite a lot this morning."

"That was just to shut you up," Jihoon quipped, his voice dripping with sass as he picked up a forkful of food and took a bite. "Also, stop calling yourself irresistible. You're already insufferable enough."

"Only for you, babe," Soonyoung winked, popping a bite of food into his mouth. He looked at Jihoon, who was now giving him a smug smirk.

They ate in comfortable silence for a few moments before Jihoon broke it, his tone more playful than before. "So, when did you become my personal chef? Was this part of the deal when we started dating?"

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