23: Date Night

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Soonyoung could hardly contain his excitement as he bounced beside Jihoon, his white puffed-sleeve shirt billowing in the evening breeze. He couldn't stop grinning, occasionally letting out a giddy giggle that made Jihoon glance sideways at him. They had just arrived at a small, cozy restaurant tucked away in a quiet part of the city. The soft glow of string lights above them gave the place a magical ambiance, and Soonyoung could barely believe that he was on a date with Jihoon.

He stole a glance at Jihoon, who, as usual, looked effortlessly cool. Jihoon's black shirt was perfectly fitted, the sleeves rolled up just enough to show his toned forearms, which Soonyoung might've stared at for longer than appropriate. But Jihoon didn't seem to notice, or if he did, he didn't say anything. Instead, he walked with that calm, unbothered attitude that somehow made Soonyoung feel both flustered and at ease at the same time.

"Are you... always this excited?" Jihoon asked, a smirk tugging at his lips as he pulled out a chair for Soonyoung to sit.

"Excited?" Soonyoung blurted, cheeks immediately turning pink. "No! I mean, yes... maybe?" He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt as he sat down, trying and failing to hide his obvious glee. "Okay, yes. I am. But can you blame me? We're on a date!"

Jihoon chuckled softly, sitting across from him. "You say that like it's something out of a dream."

"That's because it is," Soonyoung replied without missing a beat, his eyes twinkling. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long!"

Jihoon raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. "Is that so?"

Soonyoung nodded vigorously, his hands fidgeting on the table. "Yep! I mean, you're... you're Jihoon! The mysterious, cool guy who plays the guitar like it's an extension of his soul and looks like he just walked out of a drama!"

Jihoon rolled his eyes but couldn't help the faint smile that crept onto his face. "You've got quite the imagination."

"It's not imagination when it's true," Soonyoung said, lowering his voice dramatically. "I mean, look at you right now! In that black shirt, sleeves rolled up, all mysterious and broody. Meanwhile, I'm over here like some overexcited puppy."

Jihoon's gaze softened slightly, and he leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand. "I like the overexcited puppy."

Soonyoung blinked, his heart doing somersaults. "W-What?"

Jihoon shrugged nonchalantly. "You're... refreshing."

"Refreshing?" Soonyoung repeated, his blush deepening. "Like, refreshing in a 'wow, this guy is amazing' way, or refreshing in a 'oh no, he's a little too much' way?"

Jihoon smirked, reaching across the table to take Soonyoung's fidgeting hands in his. "Refreshing as in... you're exactly what I didn't know I needed."

Soonyoung stared at their intertwined hands, his heart now full-on sprinting. He tried to keep cool, but the blush on his cheeks betrayed him. "That's... that's so smooth," he muttered, looking up at Jihoon with wide eyes. "How are you so smooth?"

"I'm not," Jihoon replied with a small laugh. "I just tell the truth."

Soonyoung beamed, his nervous energy momentarily calming as he felt Jihoon's warmth through their joined hands. "Well, the truth is... I've wanted this for a long time. Like, ever since I saw you at that band competition."

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