43: Jun the Savior

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The night had finally descended over the city, a thick blanket of darkness engulfing the streets as the CBI agents made their way to the Midnight mansion. Soonyoung sat in the back of the van, his jaw clenched, fingers twitching restlessly as he stared at the floor. His mind was a storm of conflicting emotions, the weight of his mission pressing heavily on his chest. Tonight, everything would change.

He thought of Jihoon—of his blank expression the night before, the way he had walked away without saying a word. He hated how this was going to end, how after everything, their paths had led them to this moment—on opposite sides of a battle neither of them wanted. Soonyoung knew what he had to do. His duty as an officer outweighed the tangled mess of his heart, but still, the thought of bringing Jihoon down twisted something deep inside him.

"Five minutes out," Taeyong's voice crackled through the comms.

Soonyoung's grip tightened on his gun. His eyes flicked to Jiya beside him, who gave him a nod of encouragement. There was no turning back now.

They reached the mansion, a looming structure that seemed almost alive with the weight of its history. The Midnight gang had reigned here for so long, untouchable—until tonight. Soonyoung's heart pounded in his chest as they moved in, the agents surrounding the building like shadows, blending into the night. He could hear the soft hum of voices over the comms, everyone reporting their positions.

The assault began with the piercing sound of glass shattering as the agents broke through the windows. Chaos erupted instantly—gunfire, shouting, the thudding of boots on the hardwood floors. The Midnight gang retaliated fiercely, but they were outnumbered, overwhelmed by the precision and force of the CBI.

Soonyoung moved through the halls with practiced efficiency, his body on autopilot as he cleared room after room. Each step felt heavier than the last, the weight of what they were doing sinking deeper into his bones. He could hear Jihoon's voice in the distance, barking orders, trying to keep the gang together. But it was clear that this time, Midnight was losing.

The gang fought back with everything they had, but it was no use. The CBI had come prepared, armed with intel, weapons, and sheer numbers. One by one, the gang members fell, handcuffed and dragged out of the mansion, their defiance giving way to desperation.

Soonyoung pushed forward, his mind clouded with memories of Jihoon—how they'd once shared late-night conversations in their university dorm, how Jihoon had laughed and teased him. Now, here they were, at war.

In the distance, he saw Seungcheol, his face twisted in fury as he tried to protect the members of his gang. Sungmin had cornered him, a smug grin on his face as he taunted the Midnight leader.

"You thought you were untouchable, didn't you?" Sungmin sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "But look at you now. Defeated. Helpless."

Seungcheol's eyes flashed with rage, his hands clenched into fists. "You won't get away with this," he spat, though the fire in his voice was laced with a desperation he couldn't hide.

"Oh, but we already have," Sungmin replied, leaning in closer. "Look around, Seungcheol. Your empire is crumbling."

Soonyoung looked away, his stomach churning at the sight of Seungcheol brought so low. He had always known Seungcheol as a powerful, almost untouchable figure, someone who commanded respect with just a glance. But now, there was nothing left of the Midnight gang's leader but a man facing his own downfall.

But it wasn't just Seungcheol.

Across the hall, Soonyoung's blood ran cold as he saw Taeyong standing far too close to Jeonghan, who had been separated from the others. Taeyong's eyes gleamed with something dark, something Soonyoung had always known lurked beneath the surface but had never seen so openly.

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