36: Love Him Again?

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Jihoon hadn't planned on sneaking out, but the silence of the Midnight mansion was suffocating. His mind was a storm, his thoughts spinning in a loop of memories and regrets. He needed air, something to clear his head, so he slipped out into the cool night, walking aimlessly along the road. The darkness was calming, the distant hum of the city a soothing distraction from the noise inside his own mind.

He wasn't expecting to see anyone, least of all Soonyoung.

But as Jihoon turned a corner, his heart nearly stopped. There, barely able to stand, was Soonyoung, stumbling down the street with blood running down his face. His forehead was smeared with red, the wound deep enough that Jihoon could see the split skin, and his steps were shaky as if he could collapse at any moment.

"Soonyoung!" Jihoon's voice broke through the still night, panic seizing his chest. He ran toward him without thinking, fear and adrenaline coursing through him.

Soonyoung barely looked up, his eyes dazed, his movements sluggish. "Jihoon...?"

He reached Soonyoung in seconds, his hands immediately reaching out to steady him. Up close, the sight was worse—Soonyoung's face was pale, blood still trickling down the side of his head, staining his clothes. Jihoon's heart clenched at the sight of him like this.

"What happened?!" Jihoon demanded, his voice thick with worry. "Who did this to you?"

Soonyoung swayed in his grip, barely able to focus. "Yuta... he... I—I don't know... I just needed to get away..." His words were slurred, his breath labored.

Jihoon's mind raced, fury rising in him like a tidal wave. Yuta. The name burned in his chest, igniting a fire of anger and protectiveness. But now wasn't the time for anger—Soonyoung needed help.

"We need to get you to a hospital," Jihoon said, trying to keep his voice steady as he began to guide Soonyoung down the road. "You're hurt—this is serious."

Soonyoung shook his head weakly. "No... no hospital... please..." His voice cracked, and Jihoon could hear the fear beneath his words. "Just... just take me away from here."

Jihoon swallowed hard, torn between what was right and what Soonyoung was asking. His heart ached, seeing the once strong and sassy Soonyoung reduced to this—weak, bleeding, and terrified.

"Alright," Jihoon whispered softly, his tone gentle now. "But we need to stop the bleeding. You're coming back with me to the mansion. I'll take care of you."

Soonyoung's head dropped, his body leaning heavily against Jihoon as if the last bit of strength had left him. Jihoon wrapped an arm around his waist, carefully guiding him toward the direction of the Midnight mansion. Every step felt like a battle against time, but Jihoon kept going, his mind focused on one thing—getting Soonyoung safe.

As they walked in silence, Jihoon couldn't stop the flood of emotions crashing through him. Seeing Soonyoung like this, vulnerable and hurt, brought back every suppressed feeling he had tried to bury. He still loved him, even after everything. And now, with Soonyoung in his arms, all the walls Jihoon had built came crumbling down.

"You hate it when I cry, don't you?" Soonyoung's voice was barely a whisper, filled with a raw vulnerability that made Jihoon's heart clench.

Jihoon glanced at him, his own voice trembling with emotion. "No. I just hate that you won't let me make it stop."

For a moment, Soonyoung met Jihoon's eyes, something unspoken passing between them. Then, just as quickly, Soonyoung's head dropped again, too weak to continue the conversation.

Jihoon's grip tightened around him, holding him close as they continued their slow, painful walk toward safety. The mansion wasn't far now, and Jihoon could already see the lights in the distance, a beacon of hope in the dark.

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