18: Japan Diaries

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Soonyoung is now 19, his world and had just joined his first year of university in Japan, a place far from home and full of unfamiliar faces. Shy and introverted, Soonyoung struggled to make connections with others. He kept to himself most of the time, hiding behind the comfort of textbooks and long walks through the university's quiet, cherry blossom-lined campus. His only solace came from the couple of friends he had managed to make during orientation week—an outgoing girl named Nari and a soft-spoken boy called Hiro.

One Friday evening, Nari barged into Soonyoung's dorm room with excitement in her eyes. "There's this band playing tonight at the campus club," she announced, pulling at Soonyoung's arm. "They're really good, and the guitarist—he's like, famous around here."

Soonyoung frowned, trying to resist. He didn't like crowded places or loud music. "I'm not sure that's my thing, Nari."

"Oh, come on!" she urged, practically dragging him to his feet. "You need to get out more! Besides, Hiro's coming too. We'll just listen to a couple of songs, and if you're not into it, we can leave early. Promise!"

Reluctantly, Soonyoung agreed. That night, they headed to the campus club—a dimly lit, intimate space filled with students, laughter, and the smell of cheap beer. The air hummed with anticipation, as everyone waited for the band to take the stage. Soonyoung kept close to Hiro and Nari, standing awkwardly in the corner, feeling out of place in the boisterous atmosphere.

Finally, the band stepped onto the small stage. The crowd erupted in cheers, and Soonyoung found himself watching the members with a mild sense of curiosity. They looked young, like him—students, most likely. The lead singer grabbed the mic, flashing a confident grin as he greeted the audience. But it wasn't the singer who caught Soonyoung's attention.

No, it was the guitarist standing quietly at the edge of the stage.

The guitarist was a short guy with strikingly blonde hair, his face partially hidden beneath the shadow of the dim lighting. His posture was relaxed, yet there was something magnetic about him, something that made Soonyoung's gaze linger. The guy didn't say a word, simply adjusting the strap of his guitar and testing the strings with an air of practiced indifference.

Soonyoung couldn't take his eyes off him.

There was something oddly familiar about the guitarist, but Soonyoung couldn't place why. He wracked his brain, wondering if he'd seen him around campus before, but nothing came to mind. He leaned over to Hiro. "Who's the guitarist?"

Hiro shrugged. "Not sure. I've only heard people talking about him—never caught his name."

The band started playing, and Soonyoung found himself mesmerized. The music was raw, pulsing with energy, yet there was a certain elegance to the way the guitarist's fingers danced across the strings. Every note he played seemed effortless, as if the guitar was an extension of himself. His blonde hair swayed slightly as he moved, eyes focused solely on the music. The crowd around them cheered and clapped, but Soonyoung barely noticed.

His heart raced for reasons he couldn't explain.

As the set went on, Soonyoung became increasingly captivated by the guitarist. He wasn't sure what it was—whether it was the music or the quiet intensity in the guy's expression—but something about him struck a chord deep within Soonyoung. He felt drawn to the mystery of the guitarist, like there was an entire world behind those quiet, unspoken movements.

Nari leaned over, nudging Soonyoung with a grin. "You okay? You've been staring at that guitarist for like, half the set."

Soonyoung blinked, tearing his eyes away and feeling his face heat up in embarrassment. "What? No, I wasn't—"

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