1: Jihoon's Plan

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The dim light from the single hanging bulb cast long, eerie shadows across the room, accentuating the tension that filled the air. Soohyuk stood stiffly in front of Jihoon, his posture betraying his unease. In stark contrast, Jihoon sat leisurely behind a mahogany desk, dressed in a sleek black suit that hugged his form perfectly. His demeanor was calm, almost disarmingly so, but the air of authority he exuded was undeniable. His sharp eyes, dark and calculating, followed Soohyuk's every movement, dissecting every word before it was even spoken.

"Sir, Officer Kwon is currently investigating the drug smuggling case. They've caught a few smugglers who used to deal with us. We're in danger," Soohyuk reported, his voice betraying the anxiety he desperately tried to mask. It wasn't often that Soohyuk was rattled, but the efficiency with which Kwon and his team were operating had shaken even the most seasoned members of the Midnight gang.

Jihoon's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flashing in them as he leaned back in his chair. The leather creaked slightly under his weight, the only sound in the tense silence that followed Soohyuk's words. "Kwon?" Jihoon repeated slowly, as if savoring the name on his tongue. "You mean Kwon Soonyoung? That little officer with hamster cheeks?" He chuckled, the sound low and dripping with sarcasm, yet laced with a chilling edge. "He thinks he can arrest me?"

There was a moment of silence as Jihoon's smile widened, though it never quite reached his eyes. "This little officer thinks he can take us down?" he mused, almost as if the idea amused him more than anything else. "How precious."

Soohyuk hesitated, his eyes flicking up to meet Jihoon's before quickly darting away. He could feel the weight of Jihoon's gaze, like a predator sizing up its prey. "But Sir, they're doing really well this time. Should we inform Boss?" Soohyuk's voice was cautious, knowing full well that Jihoon's temper was as unpredictable as it was explosive.

Jihoon's smile faded, replaced by a cold, calculating expression. His jaw tightened as he considered Soohyuk's suggestion, and for a moment, the room seemed to grow even colder. "No," Jihoon finally said, his voice steely. "Let's see how this plays out for a while. Seungcheol hyung is already dealing with the Amber gang—he's got his hands full. No need to burden him with this... minor inconvenience." He waved a hand dismissively, as if the whole matter was beneath him. "We'll be fine, just like old times. We've dealt with worse."

Soohyuk visibly relaxed, nodding quickly in agreement. "Understood, Sir." He bowed deeply, grateful that the tension had eased, if only slightly, before making his exit.

As the door clicked shut behind Soohyuk, Jihoon's expression hardened once more. The light in the room flickered ominously, casting brief moments of darkness across his face. The amused, almost mocking demeanor he had displayed was gone, replaced by a dangerous resolve. Kwon Soonyoung might have been doing well, but Jihoon had no intention of letting him get any closer to the heart of the Midnight gang.

With a determined stride, Jihoon made his way to the surveillance room, where Wonwoo was seated amidst a sea of monitors. The glow of the screens illuminated Wonwoo's face, highlighting the intensity in his eyes as he watched the various feeds with a practiced, hawk-like focus.

"How's the situation?" Jihoon asked, leaning over Wonwoo's chair, his voice low but filled with an undercurrent of authority.

Wonwoo barely glanced up, his fingers never stopping their rapid dance across the keyboard. "We've got a few leads on Kwon's investigation. He's getting close, but nothing we can't handle." Wonwoo's tone was confident, almost casual, but there was a sharpness to it that mirrored Jihoon's own.

Jihoon nodded, his mind already working through the possible moves they could make. "Good," he said, his voice firm. "Keep an eye on him and his team. We need to stay one step ahead at all times. I don't want any surprises."

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