12: After Party

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As the song came to an end, the courtyard erupted into applause once more. Junhui and Minghao shared a tender kiss, sealing the moment before inviting the rest of the guests to join them on the dance floor.

Seokmin, naturally, was the first to drag Joshua out onto the floor, pulling him into a lively dance that had them both laughing and spinning around wildly. "Come on, Joshua! Show me those moves you've been hiding!" Seokmin teased.

Joshua rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress the grin on his face. "You're impossible, Seokmin!" he laughed, but he didn't miss a beat as he kept up with Seokmin's energetic dancing.

The rest of the Midnight gang quickly followed suit, flooding the dance floor with their presence. Even Jihoon, who had initially planned to sit out, was dragged onto the floor by an enthusiastic Hansol, who had finally arrived with Chan.

"Come on, hyung, you need to loosen up!" Hansol encouraged, twirling Jihoon around playfully. "This is a wedding, not a funeral!"

Jihoon, though he tried to keep up his usual stoic demeanor, couldn't help but laugh at Hansol's antics. "Fine, fine, but just this once," he muttered, though there was a smile on his face.

The party continued well into the night, with laughter and dancing filling the air. At one point, Seungcheol and Jeonghan found themselves pulled into a group dance with Wonwoo and Mingyu, who were thoroughly enjoying the festivities.

"Mingyu, if you step on my foot one more time, I swear—" Wonwoo started, but his words were drowned out by Mingyu's loud laughter.

"Come on, Wonwoo, it's a celebration! Lighten up!" Mingyu teased, though he quickly adjusted his steps to avoid another mishap.

Seungcheol, ever the leader, found himself coordinating the dance moves, though he couldn't help but let loose himself, his usual serious expression replaced with a carefree smile. Jeonghan, ever the mischievous one, took advantage of the moment to steal a kiss from Seungcheol, much to the amusement of the others.

As the night wore on, the music slowed once more, and the guests took the opportunity to relax and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. The tables were filled with gourmet food and champagne, and the conversations flowed as freely as the drinks. The Midnight gang members found themselves reminiscing about old times, sharing stories of their adventures and the close calls they'd had over the years.

At one point, Seokmin stood up, tapping his glass to get everyone's attention. "I just want to say something," he announced, his voice carrying over the chatter. "Junhui, Minghao—you two have shown us all what it means to truly love someone. We've seen you go through so much, and yet, here you are, stronger than ever. I'm proud to call you both my friends, and I wish you nothing but happiness in the years to come. To Junhui and Minghao!"

"To Junhui and Minghao!" the crowd echoed, raising their glasses in a toast.

Junhui, who had been sitting beside Minghao with his arm around him, stood up and smiled at the crowd. "Thank you, everyone, for being here tonight. This means more to us than we can ever express. We're so grateful to have such amazing people in our lives, and we promise to keep this love burning bright for as long as we live."

Minghao, his eyes shining with emotion, nodded in agreement. "This is just the beginning for us, and we're excited to see where this journey takes us. Thank you all for being a part of our story."

As the final toast was made, the party slowly wound down, but the warmth and joy lingered long after. The night had been a celebration of love, friendship, and the bonds that had been forged over years of loyalty and trust. For Junhui and Minghao, it was the start of a new chapter—one that they would face together, surrounded by the people who loved them most.

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