8: Date By Mount Fuji

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The days in Japan passed in a blur of serene beauty and quiet moments, with Yuta guiding Soonyoung through a world that felt both ancient and timeless. Yuta had grown up in this world, and his connection to it was palpable in every interaction, every gesture. Though he was still as intimidating as ever, there was a softer side of him that emerged in these familiar surroundings—one that Soonyoung cherished.

Their mornings often started early, with Yuta waking Soonyoung just before dawn. The air would be crisp and cool, the sky painted in soft hues of pink and orange as the sun began its ascent. Yuta would lead Soonyoung to the estate's private garden, where a small, tranquil pond mirrored the blossoming cherry trees around it. They would sit together in comfortable silence, sipping on green tea and watching the koi fish lazily glide through the water.

"You never told me your family estate was this beautiful," Soonyoung remarked one morning, his voice hushed as if afraid to disturb the peacefulness around them.

Yuta, dressed in a simple yukata, looked out over the garden, a rare, genuine smile on his lips. "It's a place of memories for me," he replied, his tone contemplative. "Some good, some... not so good. But it's home."

Soonyoung reached out, his fingers brushing against Yuta's hand. "Thank you for bringing me here. It feels like I'm seeing a different side of you."

Yuta turned his gaze to Soonyoung, his eyes softening as he laced their fingers together. "You've always seen all of me, Soonyoung. I just wanted you to understand where I come from. This place... it shaped who I am."

The days were filled with excursions into the heart of Tokyo, with Yuta effortlessly navigating the bustling streets and ancient temples. He took Soonyoung to the Nakamoto family's favorite haunts—small, hidden restaurants where the food was made with generations of love, artisan shops where every piece told a story, and serene temples where they could offer prayers and reflect.

One afternoon, they visited a secluded onsen nestled in the mountains. The journey there was long, but Yuta assured Soonyoung it would be worth it. When they arrived, Soonyoung was awestruck by the beauty of the place. The hot springs were surrounded by towering bamboo and lush greenery, with steam rising gently from the waters.

Yuta led Soonyoung to a private section of the onsen, where they could soak in the mineral-rich waters without interruption. The warmth of the water was soothing, and Soonyoung felt the tension in his muscles melt away as he leaned back against the smooth stone.

"This is amazing," Soonyoung murmured, closing his eyes and letting the peacefulness of the moment wash over him.

Yuta, sitting beside him, nodded in agreement. "It's one of my favorite places. Whenever I needed to clear my mind, I'd come here."

Soonyoung glanced at Yuta, taking in the relaxed expression on his face. "You don't often get a chance to relax like this, do you?"

Yuta's lips curved into a small smile, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Not as often as I'd like. But being here with you... it makes it all worth it."

They stayed in the onsen for hours, talking about everything and nothing. Yuta shared stories of his childhood, tales of mischief and rebellion that made Soonyoung laugh, and spoke of his deep respect for his family's traditions. In return, Soonyoung opened up about his own past, his dreams, and his fears, finding comfort in Yuta's unwavering support.

Evenings at the estate were a time of quiet reflection and bonding. Yuta's mother, Reiko, often joined them for dinner, and Soonyoung quickly grew to admire her grace and strength. Though she was reserved, there was a warmth in her eyes when she looked at Yuta, and Soonyoung could see the deep bond they shared.

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