19: The Mysterious Guitarist

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A few days later, the university was buzzing with excitement. A campus-wide music competition was being held, and it seemed like every student had plans to attend. Bands from different departments were set to perform, showcasing their talent in front of the entire student body. The event was the talk of the week, with posters plastered all over the walls and everyone buzzing about which band would come out on top.

Soonyoung had been reluctant to go at first, but the memory of the blonde guitarist kept creeping back into his mind. He hadn't been able to shake the strange feeling that had settled in his chest since seeing him play. Maybe, just maybe, the guitarist would be there again. It was a chance to see him up close, to figure out the connection that nagged at Soonyoung's subconscious.

Nari, always the persuasive one, didn't need to ask twice. "Come on, Soonyoung! You know you want to see that guitarist again. Besides, it's going to be fun, and Hiro's already on board."

Hiro, who had been quietly reading on the sofa in Soonyoung's dorm room, nodded with a small smile. "It'll be a nice break from studying."

Soonyoung finally gave in. "Alright, fine. I'll go. But only to watch, okay?"

Nari grinned like she had won a major victory. "Deal! I'll make sure we get good seats."

Later that evening, the three of them arrived at the campus auditorium, where the competition was being held. The place was packed with students, the air filled with anticipation and chatter. They found a spot near the front, and Nari made sure to grab the best view of the stage, her excitement palpable.

As the lights dimmed, Soonyoung's eyes scanned the crowd of musicians setting up their instruments on stage. His heart pounded a little harder in his chest as he searched for that familiar figure—the short guy with blonde hair who had left such a lasting impression. The first few bands performed, each getting a decent reaction from the crowd, but Soonyoung's mind was elsewhere.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the next band took the stage. Soonyoung's breath caught in his throat. There he was. The blonde guitarist, standing off to the side, his guitar slung casually over his shoulder. Just like before, he moved with that quiet, effortless confidence that made him stand out. His face was more visible under the stage lights this time, and Soonyoung felt a strange tug at the sight of him—like a long-forgotten memory surfacing, just out of reach.

"There he is," Nari whispered excitedly, nudging Soonyoung with her elbow. "The guitarist you couldn't stop staring at last time."

"Shut up," Soonyoung muttered, but he couldn't deny that his attention was locked on the stage.

The band started playing, and once again, the guitarist stole the show. His fingers moved across the strings with precision, each note resonating in the room with an intensity that made Soonyoung's chest tighten. The crowd was swept up in the music, cheering and clapping, but Soonyoung could barely hear them. His focus was solely on the guitarist, who seemed lost in his own world, playing with an energy that felt deeply personal, as though the music was the only thing that mattered to him.

As the performance came to an end, the crowd erupted into applause, but Soonyoung's mind was racing. He had to know more about this guy. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important he was missing—something about this mysterious guitarist that tugged at him in a way he couldn't explain.

"Let's go talk to them!" Nari suggested, already moving toward the backstage area as soon as the competition ended.

Soonyoung hesitated. "I don't think that's a good idea..."

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