55: You're Mine

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The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the sky as Jihoon and Soonyoung made their way through the narrow, cobblestone streets of Seoul. It was a perfect evening, the air crisp but not cold, and the soft glow of streetlights slowly flickering on added to the romance of the night.

Jihoon, as always, was calm and collected, his long blonde hair catching the last rays of the sun, glowing almost ethereally. He had dressed up just enough for the occasion, wearing a sleek black turtleneck and a tailored coat, the ruby necklace still hanging around his neck. Soonyoung, on the other hand, was practically glowing with excitement, his smile never fading as they walked side by side. He wore a white button-down shirt under a casual navy blazer, his fingers brushing Jihoon's hand as they walked, unsure if he should reach out and hold it.

Jihoon noticed Soonyoung's hesitant touch and smirked slightly before slipping his hand into Soonyoung's, intertwining their fingers. Soonyoung glanced at him, surprised at the boldness, but the soft smile on Jihoon's face reassured him.

"Where are you taking me?" Soonyoung asked playfully, squeezing Jihoon's hand.

Jihoon gave him a sideways glance, his lips curling into a mysterious smile. "You'll see. Just trust me."

They continued walking, the streets growing quieter as they reached a small, secluded area near the Han River. There, under the soft glow of fairy lights, was a private table set up just for the two of them, right by the water. Candles flickered in the gentle breeze, casting a warm light over the delicate setup. The table was adorned with white roses, Jihoon's subtle yet thoughtful touch.

Soonyoung's eyes widened as he took in the sight. "Jihoon... this is..."

Jihoon tugged on his hand gently, leading him to the table. "I wanted to do something special for you," he said softly. "We've been through so much, and I thought... maybe we deserve something beautiful tonight."

Soonyoung's heart melted at Jihoon's words. He sat down, still in awe of the romantic setting. "You planned all of this?" he asked, unable to hide the wonder in his voice.

Jihoon sat across from him, his fingers idly playing with the edge of the ruby necklace. "Yeah. I wanted to give us a night away from everything. Just us, without the past hanging over us."

Soonyoung looked at him, his heart swelling with emotion. "You really thought of everything, didn't you?"

Jihoon shrugged lightly, a playful glint in his eyes. "I had some time to think."

The waiter approached, serving a delicate course of dishes that looked like they had been prepared with meticulous care. Each dish was paired with wine, and as they ate, the conversation between them flowed effortlessly. They reminisced about old memories, shared quiet laughter, and talked about the future — a future that felt more real now than it ever had before.

As the night went on, Soonyoung found himself mesmerized by Jihoon in a way he hadn't been in a long time. The way Jihoon's eyes sparkled under the candlelight, the way his fingers gently traced the edge of his glass, the way he laughed softly at Soonyoung's jokes — everything felt like it was falling into place. There was a gentleness to Jihoon tonight that made Soonyoung's heart ache in the best way.

"Do you remember the last time we went on a real date?" Soonyoung asked, his voice soft as he looked across the table at Jihoon.

Jihoon thought for a moment, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "It feels like forever ago," he admitted. "We were so different back then."

Soonyoung chuckled. "We were a mess back then."

Jihoon nodded in agreement, his gaze dropping to the table for a moment. "But maybe that's what makes tonight even more special," he said, his voice quiet but full of emotion. "We've come a long way, Soonyoung. And I don't think I ever really told you how much that means to me."

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