15: Jisoo's Confessions

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In the starkly lit room of the police headquarters, Taeyong and Soonyoung sat at a table strewn with files and photographs, their conversation intense and focused.

"We need to gather more intel on their operations. Find their weak spots. We need to be thorough," Taeyong said, his mind racing with ideas.

Soonyoung nodded, already making notes. "I'll reach out to my contacts. See if we can get any inside information. We need to know their every move."

Taeyong's jaw clenched. "And we need to keep a close eye on Jeonghan. His relationship with Seungcheol could be a key factor. We can't let our personal feelings get in the way, but we also can't ignore the potential leverage he provides."

Soonyoung's eyes gleamed with determination. "We'll handle this, Taeyong. We'll bring them down. For justice, and for the safety of our city."

As they finalized their plans, the weight of their mission settled heavily on their shoulders. The battle against the Midnight gang was far from over, but with determination and careful planning, they knew they had a chance to succeed. The lines between duty and personal interests were blurring, but they remained steadfast, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Lee, someone is here to meet us," Sungmin informed, entering the room with a serious expression. Both Taeyong and Soonyoung looked at each other in confusion.

A man walked inside, his long hair and big eyes drawing immediate attention. He had huge dark circles underneath his eyes as if he hadn't slept for days, and his complexion was pale and weak. The guy seemed very familiar, but none of them could recognize him immediately. As he took a seat in front of the officers, Taeyong suddenly recognized the guy—it was Joshua, the member of the Midnight gang.

"Joshua? You here?" Taeyong asked, his tone a mix of shock and suspicion. Both Sungmin and Soonyoung exchanged puzzled glances. Joshua? Here? This guy definitely looked like Joshua, but why was he here?

"Jisoo, not Joshua," the guy corrected, his voice low and weak. "I heard that you're working on the Midnight gang case, Mr. Lee."

"Yes, I am," answered Taeyong, "Do you know anything about them that might help us?"

Jisoo nodded slowly. "I was working at Joshua's Cinnamon café... until things went too far. They did wrong to me, to my friends and family. I need protection, but in return, I can give you the information you need to bring them down."

The room fell silent as Taeyong, Soonyoung, and Sungmin processed his words. The atmosphere was charged with tension, the stakes higher than ever.

"What exactly do you know?" Taeyong asked, leaning forward, his eyes boring into Jisoo's.

"Everything," Jisoo replied. "Their operations, their safe houses, the people they have in their pockets. And most importantly, Seungcheol's plans."

Soonyoung's eyes narrowed. "Why should we trust you? You were one of them."

Jisoo's gaze didn't waver. "Because I want out. I've seen what they're capable of, and I can't live with it anymore. I want to help you bring them to justice."

Taeyong glanced at Soonyoung and Sungmin. "We'll need to verify everything you say. But if you're telling the truth, this could change everything."

Jisoo nodded. "I understand. Just promise me protection. Seungcheol will stop at nothing to silence me if he finds out I'm talking to you."

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