52: Different Paths

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The atmosphere in the hospital room was heavy, filled with a mix of silence and the faint beeping of the machines monitoring Soonyoung's recovery. He sat on the hospital bed, his body weak from injuries but his mind racing with questions and confusion. Nari was seated beside him, trying her best to offer comfort, but nothing seemed to soothe the aching void Jihoon's absence had left in Soonyoung's heart.

The door creaked open, and Yuta stepped in, his expression unreadable. He carried a bouquet of brightly colored flowers and a basket of fruits, which he placed gently on the small table next to Soonyoung's bed. His usual confident demeanor was still intact, but there was an air of seriousness around him that didn't go unnoticed by Soonyoung and Nari.

"Hey," Yuta greeted casually, but the look in his eyes held something deeper. "I heard you weren't doing so well, so I brought some things. Thought you could use a bit of color in this gloomy room."

Soonyoung managed a small, forced smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. His thoughts were elsewhere, focused on the unanswered questions about Jihoon's sudden departure.

"Thanks, Yuta," Soonyoung said, his voice strained and tired. He glanced over at Nari before looking down at the white hospital sheets. "But honestly, it's not the injuries that are bothering me. It's... it's Jihoon. He just... disappeared. Left without a word."

Yuta frowned, taking a seat on the chair near the bed. "Jihoon? The guy you've been seeing?"

Soonyoung nodded. "Yeah. I don't understand what happened. Everything was fine, and then suddenly... he's gone. No explanation. Nothing." His voice wavered slightly, betraying the pain he was trying to suppress.

Nari glanced at Soonyoung with sympathetic eyes, but there was also an underlying tension, a warning she had been too afraid to voice until now. Yuta, on the other hand, seemed more composed, though his gaze darkened.

"Soonyoung," Yuta began, his voice careful but firm. "I don't know how to say this, but... do you really know who Jihoon is? Or who his brother, Seungcheol, really is?"

Soonyoung looked up, confusion clouding his face. "What do you mean? Seungcheol's just his brother, right? They're close. Seungcheol seemed... protective, but that's normal, isn't it?"

Yuta exchanged a quick glance with Nari, who shifted uncomfortably in her chair. The atmosphere in the room grew even more tense as Yuta leaned forward slightly, his voice lowering as if he didn't want anyone else to overhear.

"Soonyoung, Seungcheol isn't just some protective brother. He's the leader of the biggest mafia group in Korea—the Midnight gang. If Jihoon is his brother... well, you can put two and two together."

Soonyoung froze, his breath catching in his throat. "M-mafia?" His voice came out in a whisper, as if saying the word out loud would make it more real, more dangerous. "You're... you're joking, right?"

"I wish I were," Yuta replied, his eyes cold and serious. "But it's the truth. The Midnight gang runs most of the underground dealings in Korea. Drugs, weapons, smuggling—you name it, they're involved. And Seungcheol... he's at the top. He controls it all. Jihoon isn't just some innocent guy. He's in the mafia, Soonyoung. He's dangerous."

Nari nodded slightly, her lips pressed into a thin line. "That's why I've been worried, Soonyoung. I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't want to see you hurt, but..."

Soonyoung's heart pounded in his chest as Yuta's words sank in. It felt like the floor had been ripped out from under him, leaving him in freefall. Jihoon... in the mafia? It couldn't be true. Not the Jihoon he knew, the quiet, composed man who had captured his heart. The man who made him feel safe and cherished.

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