17: Back to Work

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Jihoon sat in the back seat of the sleek black car as it sped through the quiet streets, leaving the bustling city behind and heading toward the countryside. The familiar sight of the rolling hills and farmlands of Busan stretched out before him, but his mind was far from the peaceful landscape. The wedding had been a whirlwind—Junhui's and Minghao's union had brought everyone together, if only for a brief respite from the chaos that their lives had become.

But now, the celebration was over, and it was time for him to return to his own world. His work.

Jihoon leaned back against the leather seat, a faint sigh escaping his lips. The weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders once again, a familiar companion. He had enjoyed the brief time at the mansion, though Jeonghan had made it hard for him to leave. Jeonghan had all but insisted Jihoon stay longer, trying to keep him close, as though he could protect him from the dangers that lay ahead. But Jihoon knew better.

The world they lived in didn't allow for that kind of safety.

"Are you sure you want to go back already?" Jeonghan had asked him the night before, his tone casual but the worry in his eyes betraying him. "You've barely had any time off."

Jihoon had given him a tight smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes. "You know I can't stay here forever," he had replied, his voice soft but firm. "There's too much to take care of. I'm already behind on everything."

Jeonghan had frowned, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe of Jihoon's room. "It's not like the world's going to end if you take a few more days. Seungcheol's been keeping an eye on things. You don't have to jump back into the chaos just yet."

Jihoon had appreciated Jeonghan's concern, truly. But deep down, he knew there was no avoiding it. The wedding had been a temporary escape, a brief moment of normalcy, but their world didn't allow for normal. Not for long.

"I'll be fine," Jihoon had reassured him, packing the last of his things into a small duffel bag. "You worry too much."

Jeonghan had only sighed, his lips pressing into a thin line. "Someone has to."

Now, as the car pulled up the long dirt road that led to the Busan farmhouse, Jihoon felt a strange sense of calm wash over him. This was his sanctuary, his base of operations. Here, he could focus. Here, he could strategize. The farmhouse might seem unassuming to anyone who passed by, but to Jihoon, it was where all the threads of the Midnight gang's operations came together.

The car came to a stop, and Jihoon stepped out, taking in the familiar scent of the countryside air. He could still hear Jeonghan's voice in his head, telling him to stay just a little longer. He'd been right in his own way—there was always something comforting about the mansion. But Jihoon had never been one for comfort.

Comfort made you soft. It made you complacent.

And Jihoon had learned long ago that complacency could get you killed.

He walked up the steps of the farmhouse, pushing open the door and stepping inside. The familiar creak of the old wood under his feet greeted him, and a sense of purpose settled in his chest. His mind began to turn, the plans and operations he'd set aside during the wedding coming back to the forefront.

There was work to be done. Deals to broker, enemies to watch, and most importantly—Soonyoung.

His thoughts flickered to the CBI officer, a faint smirk pulling at his lips. He hadn't forgotten the close call between them, the way Soonyoung had nearly caught him in the past. There was something almost thrilling about their rivalry, a dangerous game they were both playing.

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