46: Keep Him Safe

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As Jihoon sat by Soonyoung's bedside, the steady rhythm of the heart monitor was the only thing grounding him in the chaos of his thoughts. He couldn't shake the guilt gnawing at him for not being able to protect Soonyoung. His hand gently held Soonyoung's, thumb brushing over his knuckles as if trying to reassure himself that he was still there, still alive.

The door creaked open, and Jihoon tensed. He didn't need to look up to know who it was—the familiar presence, the heavy footsteps. Seungcheol entered the room with a slow, deliberate pace, his orange hair casting a strange glow in the dim lighting. His face was hardened, a storm brewing behind his dark eyes.

Seungcheol stood at the foot of Soonyoung's bed, looking down at Jihoon with a mix of frustration and disappointment. "This is what happens, Jihoon," he said, his voice low and biting. "This... right here."

Jihoon didn't respond immediately, but his grip on Soonyoung's hand tightened as he tried to hold back the wave of emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

Seungcheol continued, his voice growing more intense. "You think you can have a normal life? You think you can protect someone like him?" He gestured sharply toward Soonyoung, who lay motionless on the bed. "This isn't your world, Jihoon. The mafia doesn't have room for love, for emotions. You know that."

Jihoon finally looked up, his eyes filled with anger and pain. "I can protect him," he said, his voice shaking. "I'll find a way."

Seungcheol's laugh was cold and devoid of humor. "You can't even protect yourself, Jihoon. Look at what happened. Look at him. Soonyoung got dragged into something he can't even begin to understand because of you."

Jihoon's chest tightened, and he blinked back the tears threatening to fall. "You don't understand. Soonyoung... he makes me want something better. I thought—"

"You thought what?" Seungcheol interrupted, his voice harsh. "That you could just walk away from this life? That you could pretend you're not a part of this world? Jihoon, you don't get to live like that. The moment you let someone like Soonyoung into your life, you put him in danger."

The truth of Seungcheol's words hit Jihoon hard, but he refused to let go of the small shred of hope he was clinging to. "I can protect him," he repeated, though his voice faltered.

Seungcheol's expression hardened, and he stepped closer, his towering figure casting a shadow over Jihoon. "You're lying to yourself. This world... it destroys people like him. You think he can handle the things you've done? The blood on your hands?" Seungcheol leaned in, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "He doesn't even know who you are."

Jihoon felt the weight of Seungcheol's words crashing down on him. He didn't want to believe it, but deep down, he knew Seungcheol was right. Soonyoung didn't know the full extent of who Jihoon was—the darkness he was tied to, the violence he'd committed, the life he could never truly escape.

"I never wanted this for him," Jihoon whispered, his voice cracking as the tears he'd been holding back finally spilled over. He hung his head, unable to meet Seungcheol's gaze anymore. "I just wanted to keep him safe."

Seungcheol sighed, his tone softening slightly. "You can't keep him safe, Jihoon. Not in this life. The mafia doesn't show mercy for love, for weakness. The second they find out about Soonyoung, they'll use him against you. He'll be a target, and you won't always be able to save him."

Jihoon's heart shattered. He knew Seungcheol was right. This world, his world, didn't allow for something as fragile as love. It crushed everything in its path, and Soonyoung—bright, hopeful, and innocent—would be no exception.

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